We Have Our Invitation to The Class War in Wisconsin
Lou Kusay
We Finally Have a Formal Invitation to Class Warfare
Madison, Wisconsin
I have seen the eye of this storm. I have been in it now for two days. I am not union, never have been union. I am self-employed; it used to be real estate, now a small-time insurance broker. Making the three-hour drive to Madison, Wisconsin from New Lenox, Illinois is a very small price to pay for recessitating Middle Class America. You know, that is what it really is all about, don't you? This is every bit of a non-union issue as it is a union issue. This is a Middle Class America issue!
The whole picture of the protest in Madison is not clear to everyone. The issue at the front line of the battle is the busting of the public unions, that is very clear. Everyone should also know that this is domino number one for the country -- they bust them here, they will bust them everywhere. This is not a matter of whether you like, or believe, in unions. This is a matter of a spike being driven right through the heart of working middle class America!
Without unions, workers have no protection against the greed of corporate America -- whether they are union or not, it does not matter. Protecting the workers of America is an obstacle that corporate America, and the rich, needs to overcome only for their own good. If America does not have unions, the Minimum Wage will be used as the yardstick for measuring the wages for workers. Once the Republicans of today throw that law under the bus, it will be China-like wages for the workers in America.
Once the rulers can get China-like wages, their profits will soar. Once the profits soar, as usual, only the few will benefit -- and as usual, it will not be the majority of America. We the People will not see a penny of those increased profits -- there is no "trickle-down" to the middle class! Wake up America! Trickle-down is a lie and it has been proven to be a lie over the past 30 years since the Sainted Ronald Reagan snowballed the country with the lie. Trickle-down my ass. It has been used repeatedly only as an excuse, and a weapon, to improve the lives of the rich while crushing the lives of middle class America. Look at the facts.
50 million without health insurance, 48 million receiving Medicaid, 43 million on food stamps,
44 million Americans living in poverty, over 8 million homes in foreclosure proceedings in last three years, 27 million plus people now working in America today -- how much more trickle-down can we take America? However, it is not all doom and gloom!
Since its low in March of 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up over 80%! The 4th quarter of 2008 saw record profits for corporate America! Corporate America is sitting on over $2 trillion dollars of cash reserves! So we got that going for us middle class America, don't we?
You have read the stories. Wisconsin's Governor Walker came into office, passed 117 million dollars of tax breaks for his Republican buddies and big business, then turned right around and started crying "we are broke" -- give us your money Middle Class Wisconsin! He cheated at Marquette University and never finished college. He is less educated than every single teacher in the state. He bought and lied his way into office and is now cheating the people of Wisconsin. He proudly represents the new Republicans that are being employed by big industry in America. This is what our country will be like in the future. Is this what you all really wanted when you sold your vote? You saw the money used to buy elections in November, what we see in 2012 will dwarf it. Middle Class America is under heavy fire by these people, and we may sustain millions more casualties unless Republicans are stopped, in Wisconsin and all through the country. Folks, it does not get any plainer or simpler. That is what Madison Wisconsin is all about.
You need to get to Madison and stand for the people, the people of Wisconsin and for all the middle class people in this country. If you can't get to Madison, please get to a protest in your state or get to one that is coming to you soon. It is an open invitation to the war on middle class that is ongoing for the past 30 years in America. We already import everything from China -- do you want your wages imported from China too? How about your kid's wages? Stand up for the remaining unions and you stand up for all of middle class workers.
United we will stand -- divided we will fall. Don't be fooled -- every single Republican in this country, along with their employers, is counting on us falling. Do not let it happen America.
Author's Bio: Currently in the real estate and insurance business, self-employed.
Feb. 20, 2011