Trump Admin Proposing Increased Fees for Deportation Order Appeals
The Trump administration has proposed a dramatic increase in fees for individuals who decide to appeal a deportation order from immigration authorities.
According to The Daily Caller:
The Trump administration is looking to make deportation orders much more expensive for foreign nationals to reverse by dramatically hiking appeal fees.
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) announced a proposed rule Thursday to aggressively raise the price tag for appealing a deportation order, with fee hikes ranging in price depending on the type of appeal. One proposal seeks to raise the cost of appealing an immigration judge’s decision by nearly nine times the current cost.
It already costs $100 to $110 to appeal a deportation order handed down by the U.S. immigration court system, depending on the appeal. For example, it costs $110 to file an EOIR-26 to appeal a deportation order by an immigration judge. Under the proposed rule change, this fee would rise to $975.
The other new appeal fees range from $305 to $705. The proposed rule, however, would not affect an alien’s ability to submit fee waiver requests or add any new fees.
The reason for the fee hikes according to the Executive Office of Immigration Review is due to the increased cost of operation.