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The D.C. Clown Show

Bill Meyers

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The clown show that is our nation's capital has now reached new levels. Even Speaker Pelosi is dancing around the obvious because Rep. Ilhan Omar is a member of a protected class and political correctness protects those the elites have elevated to this special level.

Certainly, immigrants to our Country gravitate to their own, establishing communities. As in the past, these immigrants are slow to assimilate. The difference today is these groups have no interest in becoming part of our Country instead, some going so far as to establish their own legal system contrary to our laws.

Those that would object are ostracized. And this is not just criticism of extremism but everyday life. Look no further than Apple's home town of Cupertino, CA. Go to the bank and English is not even on the first page of available languages. Imagine going inside the bank and stating English is the language of the United States and should be the first option. The backlash would be immediate and brutal. Post this to social media and watch the death threats roll in.

Contrast this to the treatment of Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn. Supporting groups are bailing and media smears are everywhere. Hagedorn, as a Christian, is not a member of a protected class.

Our political correctness system, like our legal system, is two tiered. We are told we must be toleratant, but remember the words of German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller's poem that finishes with “Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

It is time to grow a backbone, speak up and stop this madness.

Bill Meyers

phone/text 262.628.2940

email: [email protected]

W290 N9516 Deer Lane

Colgate, WI 53017