What Do You Do When The Law Breaks The Law?
Kay Lee
What was shockingly UnAmerican was the way the courthouse staff behaved: The Sheriff's deputies/bailiffs Mr. Adams, Mr. Barker, and Mr. Wilson were rude, harassing, and racist. Without any statute or regulation to base their actions on, acting strictly on the orders of out-of-order Judge Carter Thompson, the baliffs/deputies demanded Mr. Sharif leave a public building because he was talking to people who asked to speak with him.
Ms. Ellyce Lindberg then took it upon herself to begin a county government chain letter with the obvious intention of causing Sharif great trouble. She used words meant to frighten people, i.e. "his potential for serious violence." If Sharif was a violent man, the Dallas County authorities have already given him much to be violent about.
He was arrested in 2005 over a mistake the probation office made. He was roughed up by guards, erroneously judged incompetent, spent three months in the state hospital, was returned to a filthy jail, released time served, only to be rearrested one month later. He has spent nearly two years in jail waiting for trial, and without ever seeing a judge to resolve his case, was finally released from jail on what was supposed to be a personal recognizance bond, yet he's being subjected to the same conditions and costs as if he had been legitimately tried, found guilty and sentenced to probation: He has a curfew, a $10 fee for every drug test they request (even though this is not about drugs), and get this: $15 a day for probation and monitoring fees. He's also on the Electronic Monitoring program (ELM). It's all recorded on the website.
The fact is Ms. Lindberg's outrageous remarks are purposely intended to incite fear and cause life to get much more difficult for Sharif. The truth is Sharif has always depended on knowledge and the power of the pen to make his point, not his fists.
If the purpose of all this is to make sure Sharif shows up in court, should he ever get a day in court, it's pure foolishness. Sharif has never ever missed a court date and this is one he's been requesting for some time now - two damn years to be precise.
In the beginning the only crime was the system's own mistakes but during this entire effort to cover up how it all began and escalated, it has become increasingly apparent that, in the minds of 'law enforcement', the crimes of Dallas County authority can only be covered up by destroying Sharif.
INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY? Not in Dallas County. Especially not if you build a website!
I've worked with Sharif for over 10 years. He's a good man from a proud black family, all of whom are active in defending the rights of the oppressed. They, those who represent the law in Dallas County, are going to wrongfully and maliciously take his freedom away for a very long time. They will deprive his family, his children, friends and those he helps of the benefit of his presence. They will destroy him for his spirit if they have their way and I feel helpless to prevent it.
Sometimes it makes bad people back off when they realize everyone knows..... I'll keep you updated.
Kay Lee
Sharif's First Amendment protected Website Exposing Dallas County Justice.
Check it out... You won't believe citizens pay for this unprofessional behavior.
To Contact Sharif
Kay Lee
2683 Rockcliff Road Southeast
Atlanta, Georgia 30316
Making The Walls Transparent