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Where Am I And Why Does It Matter?

By an FDOC Officer

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. Whichever source runs my story first will be contacted by me and I will tell it all, no strings attached. I have been at FSP many years and have participated in many dirty deeds and I'm ready to talk. So, if you are ready to talk, run the letter.

Warden Thompson, Colonel Griffis, and all staff concerned: This letter has been mailed to all members of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, as well as the Gainesville Sun, Miami Herald, Times Union, Associated Press, Kay Lee, the Death Row Advocate Group Newsletter and News Channels 12, 25, 4, and 20. Have a Great Day.


The questions most often asked in a man's life are as follows: What is your name? What do you do for a living? and Where do you work at? So let's take a look at these questions and what comes up.

What is your name? Well, this is easy enough. We all remember our names, don't we? However, here at this facility it's not our name that we have problems with, but our idividual identity. While quite a few of us are content just coming to work and doing the job at hand, many others it seems aren't just real sure of the actual job.

So, now that we have established the issue of our names, here are some examples of the identity problem: Joe Correctional Officer, Joe Softball Player, Joe Weight Lifter, and fortunately there is no Joe the Synchronized Swimmer.

What do you do for a living? Well, now we have a really good question here. So, what are some of the jobs here? Once again, there are the few who are quite content with the job which we are hired to do. Yeah, you know the ones, or let me refresh your memory. How about the Care, Custody and Control of Inmates type of thing that we were hired for in the first place? Ring any bells?

However, for some it's something all together different. Like the "Angry Jerk Too Uptight To Even Acknowledge Their Fellow Officers" or "I Come Here To Sleep All Night and Watch Jerry Springer in the TV Room" and how about "Shower Time is Gas Time"; oh, and lets not forget the "I Sit in Towers and Just Talk the Day Away on the Phone - Who Cares Who is Trying to Get in the Gate?" Last but not least, there's the "Man This Worker's Comp is Great - I've Been Out Nearly a Year With Carpal Tunnel But No Since In Going Back To the Shift Till My Baby's Born".

But, back to the ones who do the job they were hired to do. The ones who come in day after day, night after night and work the wings nobody else wants, like B, C, G, and Q, just to mention a few. Way to go men. We appreciate your dedication and professionalism. I really enjoyed getting to know you.

So this just goes to show that there are many people out here who don't have the GOD complex, wandering around on their intentional searches for unsuspecting prey, Inmates and Officers alike, to carry out their personal vendetta's on. You know the ones. They are easy to spot with the "I play ball and that's my job...oh you didn't know...then you better call somebody." Yes, unfortunately there are quite a few of them here as well. I was one of them until I woke up. Let's move on. Just think about it. Just maybe it's time for a CHANGE!

Where do you work? Well, this by far is the most confusing question of all. There are many who are - or once were proud to call Florida State Prison their home, but not any more. The only prison in Florida. The place Convicts' nightmares are made of: The Green Monster, The Big House of Horrors or Time Square: No other Facility in Florida has near as many special distinctions as FSP.

However, the FSP of old is not the FSP of late. Florida State Prison has been replaced with quite a few new twists of the same acronyms, such as Florida State Playhouse, Fantasy Sports Project, Fun Sex Parties, Florida Sports Program, or Fast Start Promotions.

Conway Twitty once sang, "Time changes all it pertains to but our memories are stronger than time." So let's hold on to our memories 'cause it sure is time for a change.

So, this just about brings us full circle to the original question: Where am I and Why Does It Matter? I for one know where I am, on the outside looking in. I just had to ride that train and forget about the real friends that I had. Yeah, the promotions were great and the parties in the Q even better, but it's not worth it when your hands are tied and you've stomped on the only true friends that you ever had. Gee guys, I'm so sorry. I wish I could take it or should I say, give it all back?

Now I know for sure what I've know in my heart all along: If everyone will drop the attitude and work together, FSP can once again be the greatest facility in the state. I for one am doing my -part by speaking out about the wrong doings at the greatest Prison, the only Prison in the State. So, if you feel in your heart that it's Time for a Change, then don't take a second look at the guy next to you until you take that second look at your own face in the mirror! Peace and Be Safe.

Posted by Kay Lee, MTWT on July 9, 2004 in hopes of being the "source who runs my story first".

Kay Lee

[email protected]

2683 Rockcliff Road SE

Atlanta, Ga 30316

Making The Walls Transparent


MTWT Prison Workers Index

". . . every prison that men build Is built with bricks of shame, And bound with bars lest Christ should see How men their brothers maim. With bars they blur the gracious moon, And blind the goodly sun: And they do well to hide their Hell, For in it things are done That Son of God nor son of Man Ever should look upon! The vilest deeds like poison weeds Bloom well in prison-air: It is only what is good in Man That wastes and withers there..." ~Oscar Wilde, ex-convict, “Ballad of Reading Gaol”

