Maine Continues To Steal Money From New Hampshire Residents !
Ron Barnes,
Grants, deeds, surveys and agreements between New Hampshire and Maine. However,
someone in Maine's government hatched a plan to illegally "steal" New Hampshire's
land to fill Maine's coffers with Hundreds of Millions of tax dollars ! And, even some of
New Hampshire's elected and appointed officials decided to go along with this nefarious
scheme. But, why ?
Thus began the great New Hampshire/Maine Border Dispute. Lots of chicanery and
secret meetings happened in the late 1960s and continued until New Hampshire
residents working at PNSY started noticing money was being taken out of their pay for
taxes being paid to Maine ! Wait a minute ! These New Hampshire residents were
working in New Hampshire, right ? Did Maine suddenly own/control New Hampshire
land ?
Many surveys and ancient records were searched to find out if Maine, indeed, did own
New Hampshire's Islands. Meticulous research showed that no such thing could be
proved. Yet, the taxes continued to be stolen from these thousands of New Hampshire
residents ! Not only that, but their spouses, that didn't even work at PNSY, were
having taxes (for Maine) taken out of their pay, too ! Huh ?
Legislators/Governors/newspapers of each state even planted a lie that the U.S.
Supreme Court ruled that the islands were in Maine ! Actually, the Supremes heard
the case twice BUT DID NOT rule that the islands were in Maine ! Ruth Bader
Ginsburg even said in 2001 that the boundary examined in 1977 (and again in
2001) DID NOT re-establish a boundary that put the islands in Maine !
After a whole lot of wrangling, shouting and threats it was finally decided that New
Hampshire needed to take a stand. House Joint Resolution #1 was passed by New
Hampshire's General Court and signed on 3/3/06 by NH Governor Lynch. But,
the Governor has, so far, failed to enforce this Resolution and money continues to
flow to Maine ! Not only that, residents of New Hampshire continue to be dragged
into court (in New Hampshire !) and threatened with jail if they refuse to pay these
unlawful taxes to Maine ! Who's in control ? Who's taking our money ? Why ?
"Taxation Without Representation" (or even residency !) went out with the American
Revolution ! It's time to "de-elect" the elected/appointed bums responsible !
Call or write your New Hampshire State Respresentative/Senator or
U. S. Congressman and stop this illegal THEFT or call me for more startling
Ron Barnes, Rochester, NH 603-332-2944
email: [email protected]