Jeff Dicks Medical Coalition - Works With Prisoners
Katrina Stiles
The Jeff Dicks Medical Coalition demands that all prisoners get the medical care they need, so nobody has to die by lack of medical treatment.
The Jeff Dicks Medical Coalition does not condone criminal activity. However, we believe that inmates are sent to prison as punishment, not for punishment. The neglect of inmates' medical needs, particularly where this has the effect of causing or hastening death or disability, is a serious breach of government responsibility and of inmates' human rights. It is against national and international law. It is unethical, unprofessional and unacceptable.
Sick humans should not suffer without care. How many more will have to die, before we say: Enough is enough! We are living in a world we like to call civilized...Medical care for sick people - no matter what they did - is not a kind for luxury. It's only a basic humanity.
Access to medical attention is a fundamental human right, a right that belongs even to prisoners. Some say "who cares, they're just a bunch of scumbags." But these "scumbags" are the sons, daughters, parents, spouses, siblings and friends of someone you know.
Many are misguided and even dangerous, but still they remain human beings. The most inhumane and disgusting weapon used in prisons today is medicine. The US condemns China, Peru, and others for inhumane treatment of their prisoners. Yet crimes against humanity in the US carried out on their own people are unrelenting and unabated.
The guards break demarcations of cruelty and ignorance. They instigate rage, bitterness and resentment. This is what we deal with. This is the product of your tax dollar...paying for their profits and guaranteed recidivism
In the name of humanity the medical issue affects us all ! If you have a loved one in prison it will affect you in a special way
Our main website is www.jeffdicks.org You can log onto the website and locate the state chapters where your loved ones are incarcerated and get action taken. My Florida website is: http://www.angelfire.com/folk/floridajdmc/ My Georgia website is: http://www.angelfire.com/ga4/georgiajeffdicks/
Let us help your loved one. It's what we are here for!