Redesign Will Have Guard Combat Division Working WIth Four Army Corps
by Robert Burns
Shinski said it was not clear how much more money the Guard would need to improve training more focused on combat missions.
If the National Guard is to win a bigger share of Army funds, "You're going to have to tie the Guard (divisions) to missions," Shinseki said. The eight Guard combat division, which were designed mainly as reinforcements for Europe during the Cold War, no longer have specific missions.
The change reflects Army leaders search for ways to make better use of the National Guard at a time when active-duty force is stretched thin by a variety of peacetime missions at home and abroad. The Army National Guard has 360,000 members in 3,200 units in 2,700 communities across the nation. The active-duty Army has 470,000 members.
Shineseki also addressed one to the most pressing needs of the National Guard; modernizing the aging helicopter fleet. He said 122 UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters and 68 AH-64 Apache attack helicopters would be shifted from active force to the Guard in 2002 to replace older UH-Hueys.
Shinseki is aligning the Guard combat divisions with four Army corps. A corps is the largest combat organzation in the Army. The move will focus Guard training on specific potential wartime missions, such as a rear-area combat operation in a major conflict in the Persian Gulf, reinforcement of the U.S. forces on the Korean peninsula or filling in for active-duty units in Germany that might be sent to fight elsewhere.
The new arrangement means members of National Guard combat divisions are more likely to be called on not only for warfighting but also on rotation units for peacekeeping in places such as Bosnia and Kosovo.
So there!! I wrote letters in April and May of 2000, declaring the Wisconsin National Guard is unconstitutional. I should have objected to this reassignment due to the fact, NO state has an Army which could be used by our servants against the master, which is the citizen, as that is treason.
I am responsible for what happened and could send you my letters, but I had no help then and I have no help now. However, I can stand my guard and know where I stand.
The military of the U.S. is in a mess, and controlled by the evil humans, but there are a lot of good humans that put their lives on the line to do the proper functions, to those individuals, I give my most grateful thanks and support that I can give.
With great respect and love,
James E Ramsden POB 533 Stevens Point, WI 54481
Email me your response