Letter To Rick Stanley from Lynn Schmaltz
Now lets say Anthony decides to sell his house and buy another. He could use his exemption and take a purchase agreement to the bank with instructions for the banker to act as the fiduciary, do all the paperwork and fund the purchase. So, the seller is paid. Now, let's say that was an investment for Anthony. He sells the house to someone that he instructs to file a copyright on his/her name, showing them how to do it with the Secretary of State. Once that is done, the person can take their purchase agreement to their bank with fiduciary instructions and Anthony is paid for the house. Now he buys another house and finds another buyer to do the same thing with the newest house he's purchased. And the buyer uses his/her exemption. And on it goes. And the buyers could learn the same thing. Do you see the pay it forward aspect? No one is purchasing any houses with debt notes or liability instruments, so every purchase helps diminish the US debt. When we purchase the traditional way with debt instruments, we create more debt. A $100,000 house loan is sold by the lender to another financial institution who pays for it with debt notes, and so forth. That loan will sell over and over creating more and more debt. The whole debt system is a giant house of cards.
If a man has $15,000,000 in the bank, it's all debt note wealth. If we went changed over to value-backed money as Nesara does, the man with $15,000,000 really has nothing but $15,000,000 debt notes, plus the cost of the $15,000,000 to replace all the debt instruments. So, you see, it's really best right now to be 'broke.' Doesn't that make you feel splendid today. Seriously, I need to learn a little more about this, but I'm certain that Nesara is right under our noses and has been all along. The Christians all say that our redemption was paid for by Jesus, and at that time all debts were paid. It's been a very rocky road for 2,000 years, hasn't it? Well, read on........... Lynn
>STANLEY NOTE: Thank you Lynn. I have read ALL of the materials you are >recommending. There are NO REMEDIES in the unlawful courts of the >criminals..............
Hi Rick, I certainly understand what you've said. This is what I sent to the court this week, prior to our hearing on Sept 13. Of course, after all the 'quarterbacks' finished when I sat with them after the fact, they had plenty of faults to point out. I had used pronouns (I) instead of 'the Respondent' or 'the third party intervener.' I've considered correcting the matter. At this point Paul and I have the attitude they'll either accept it or they won't. Why would they accept it? All crimes are commercial in nature. There is a monetary value to the felony, the prison time and the parole. With a felony they can create a bond with 'commercial' value, or say, $4 million for each of us. Then the county does what the banks do and multiply by 10. Now the $40 bond goes out to their broker/trader into the money markets. Walmart buys many of these (and Walmart is owned by American Pharmaceutical......but who owns them?). Walmart makes an offer of, say 20% of the face value. Now the county accepts the $8 million offer, and wallah! Lynn pays it out but her time on probation! Or Rick pays it out with his time in jail. As yourself why Walmart has a huge facility in Arkansas, with many floor of it underground? Why do they have a direct airport with no customs in Arkansas? Is it for a giant money machine or low cost toilet paper made by slaves to sell to slaves?
Will this work? We'll know next week. It was recommended that I file a Notice of Poverty stating that the US Government withdrew all lawful money in 1933. I therefore have no access to lawful money to pay bills or discharge debts. I can therefore authorize the court to use my exemption. At this point we've had so many documents rejected that we don't think this one will alter the course of sentencing/not sentencing.
When the country was bankrupted in 1933 we were all made chattel for the debt. There was, however, a provision for every man, woman and child to have an exemption account and it was set at $600,000. Did you ever hear of the $600,000 that is allowed to the family in probate, before the probate courts starts snatching up everything else? The exemption was actually $650,000, but they keep the $50,000 for administrative fees. This exemption amount doubles every year. That means someone who is 50 has $19,492,629,200,000. in his/her exemption account. Will that cover 5 felonies at $4million each x 10 = $200,000,000. Yes, and you have some change left over.
The person who is teaching this has a seminar scheduled in Ft. Collins, in October. I'd make certain that your wife has a power of attorney and goes to that seminar. Jack Smith and Victoria Joy have said repeatedly that it's all commerce and we have to find our remedies in commerce. There's a way for us to do the paperwork, but as you know, one misstep or one undotted 'i' lets them toss your paperwork out. That's why appointing one of them the fiduciary makes sense. They get to do the paperwork and do it right. Someone shared the notes from a July seminar in Colorado Springs and I'm going to forward the attachment to you. It's 215 pages when you print it out. Please, please, make someone other than your attorney your power of attorney.
Once again, I've heard at sentencing that you can reject the judge's offer of contract of sentence. Your attorney is going to hate this because you leave him standing in the defendant's debt if you reject the offer of contract. When the judge says, "Do you understand the charges....sentence....whatever" he's really saying, "Do you stand under these charges." It's a very long shot. If it doesn't work, what will they do, send you to jail?
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO Petitioners and Plaintiffs,
vs CASE #03CR40
PATRICIA L SCHMALTZ Respondent and Defendant.
I am trying to do what is right pertaining to Case 03CR40. I am doing a personal assessment and sincerely apologize. It is not my intention now, nor was it ever my intention to create a controversy by appearing to influence a public official. It is not my intention now nor was it ever my intention to create a controversy by appearing to file a fraudulent document. It is not my intention now, nor was it ever my intention to demonstrate any behavior as a belligerent. I did not know at the time of filing the copyright on PATRICIA L SCHMALTZ that the public already had a copyright on PATRICIA L SCHMALTZ. I want to remove the UCC financing statements on certain parties, some of which are named in a restraining order. I may have a dilemma in removing the UCC financing statements, as the restraining order appears to prevent me from doing so.
I want all the paperwork done correctly, but am not trained in matters of the court accounting and am not an attorney. I am asking that the Court help me in this matter and appoint James Wheeler as fiduciary for PATRICIA L SCHMALTZ. I am asking that the Court instruct the James Wheeler, fiduciary for PATRICIA L SCHMALTZ, to use my exemption created by my birth certificate to settle and close Case 03CR40. If it is necessary, I request an enlargement of time for James Wheeler, fiduciary, to do the appropriate paperwork in applying my exemption to Case 03CR40. I ask that all matters pertaining to the acceptance, settlement, and closure of Case 03CR40 by the James Wheeler, fiduciary for PATRICIA L SCHMALTZ, be done correctly and in a timely manner, and with the instruction of the Court, if necessary.
I am trying to make things right in the matters pertaining to Case 03CR40. Please clarify for me, or have James Wheeler, fiduciary, clarify for me, what to do regarding the removal of the financing statements. I do not wish to be in dishonor in any matters pertaining to case 03CR40. James Wheeler, fiduciary, has my permission to use my exemption #525922315, to settle and close account 03CR40. _______________________________________ Patricia Lynn Schmaltz 2716 Altez northeast Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112
JURAT The purpose of jurat is for oath/affirmation, witness and identification only and without being used for indicating entry within foreign jurisdictions or transfer of title or control over the issues. STATE OF NEW MEXICO } } ss COUNTY OF BERNALILLO }
On September 4, 2004, I, _______________________ a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for this STATE OF NEW MEXICO and this COUNTY OF BERNALILLO do certify Patricia-Lynn:Schmaltz© did appear before me with sufficient identification and inscribe or sealed in my presence the foregoing instrument.
WITNESS my hand and official SEAL My commission Expires NOTARY PUBLIC
and by the way, here's what I did at the bank day before yesterday. And, the charges haven't been removed yet. That's a good sign because it means that the paperwork is being sent to John Snow. I'll see if a $66 credit shows up in about 2-3 weeks. By making the banker the fiduciary I basically put the headache of dotting the 'i's' and crossing the 't's' up to them. God bless you whatever the outcome........and remember even after tomorrow, the opera's never over till the fat lady sings. Lynn I am requesting that Joan Frisch (bank manager of Charter Bank) be appointed fiduciary and use the exemption on the account of PATRICIA L SCHMALTZ with number 525922315 to pay the $66 overdraft fees. You have my permission to use the account, Patricia Lynn Schmaltz
BJ the customer service representative didn't know what I meant. She called Joan who also did not know what I meant and asked me to explain. I said I was certain someone in the bank would know what I meant and what to do. She and BJ said they'd never heard of this and what did it mean. So, I explained that our birth certificate was used to create an exemption account with the number that is similar to our social security number. That was done as we were collateral for the US debt.
Joan left and said she was going to talk with Brad, the operations manager. After about eight minutes she came back and told me that Brad said he would take care of it. I said thank you very much and left.
I checked in on my bank balance the next day and the $66 didn't show up. That's good because it tells me that Brad didn't say, "She's a pain in the rear, we'll just credit her account with the overdraft fees." Now I'll check on it in a couple of weeks as it'll be there unless Secretary of treasury, John Snow, does a dishonor before 15 days are up.