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NY State CAFR Pension Wealth Alone - $133 Billion!

Walt3r Burien

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Microsoft. I am not going to show you here how massive the holdings of these two companies are because YOU should take a minute and look for yourself!

Then go to this download directory: you can download the2000 to 2006 NY State Retirement Fund CAFR. The "supplement" is the listing of investments held for each year.

Take a look at the 'Pre' 911 Vs the 'Post' 911 investments.

They did not miss a heartbeat! You will be amazed! And you thought that unclaimed 5 million dollar Airline put option from 911 was suspicious. It was a "grain" of sand on the beach!

It is all about profits and our government is the #1 Profiteer!

Now, keep this firmly in mind: The following is just ONE (1) CAFR REPORT!!!

This CAFR is just one (1) large Government retirement investment account for "some" local governments in NY State. The NY State retirement fund is not mandatory for participation by all local governments in NY state, so many have their OWN Pension fund management accounts. So, the total holdings from all local governments within New York State is MUCH GREATER than what is shown in this one (1) CAFR. I hope that's clear to all Americans. The wealth WE own that our governmental agencies treat as THEIR own is absolutely GIGANTIC!

The total LOCAL government CAFRs produced just in the state of NY each year are over 1900 CAFR reports, with each and every one showing their own investments and income.

The NY State Retirement Fund may be one of he largest showings of a single CAFR in NY, but the totals from the other 1900 + CAFRs would DWARF the $138 BILLION NET WORTH shown here in the NY State Retirement Fund CAFR.

Look and learn.. AND, don't get emotional about what you learn; get even; get accountability. And, by all means, DON'T EVER FORGET why they are working so hard to take your 2nd amendment away from you by whatever tactic or emotional ploy is available to them. Thieves do not like armed prey, but disarmed victims are "Finger Lickin' Good" says Big Government!

Keep in mind that there are over 84,000 CAFR reports produced EACH YEAR now from governmental and revenue-building public agencies across America.

Think of the totals from all 84,000 agencies, many smaller and some much larger than this one. THINK OF THE COMPOSITE OWNERSHIP OUR GOVERNMENT HAS of everything! And THINK about how all of these holding belong to WE, THE PEOPLE and NOT the government agencies who have built treasures beyond belief on the backs of tax-paying American citizens. ALL of these CAFR riches belong to US.

WELL, YOU NOW KNOW WHY GORBECHEV WENT DEMOCRATIC. He learned a better form of communism for having much more money and control with an interesting fascism twist.

Yours truly,

Walter Burien

PO Box 2112

Saint Johns, AZ 85936

928 445-3532

Now, here is the New York State Retirement 2005 CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Review)

STOCKS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- $80,135,723,702.00

BONDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$29,310,816,493.00

MORTGAGE HOLDINGS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4,364,082,211.00

ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS - - - - - - - - - -$17,436,458,611.00

SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS - - - - - - - - ------- $2,602,502,410.00

GRAND TOTAL (Citizens' Money!) - - - - - - ---$133,849,583,427.00


Pension funds pay a salary at retirement. Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs "Without" Taxes in the same fashion. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) now meeting every City, County, State's annual budgetary needs! They have already proven that it will work! CAFR1 says: Make it law and make it so!

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