Proposal to Split California Into 3 States Headed Towards November Ballot
Kacie Burnett
You may have heard of #CalExit. New California. Or any of the countless other attempts to split California into two different states (see ENOUGH! Rural California Has a New Solution to Escape Democrats). Basically, the state has a bunch of different people who want to get away from each other. The latest version to hit the news is Cal 3. Now it may be hitting the ballots, come November.
Voters could get a chance to decide whether California should be split into three states this November.
Venture capitalist Tim Draper, who authored an initiative to break up the Golden State, says it has received enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot. Draper says the initiative, which he calls the “CAL 3” has more than 600,000 signatures and will be submitted to election officials next week.
The initiative proposes a central state that would consist of Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Monterey and San Benito counties; a southern state made up of Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Imperial, Kern, Kings, Fresno, Tulare, Inyo, Madera and Mono counties; and the 40 remaining counties grouped into a northern states.
The new states would be named by its residents, according to the initiative. Splitting California into three states would require congressional approval.
So the state wouldn’t be spread into two but three. Thrice the fun. Sounds like it would be a bit of a headache for the residents of old California, but anything to escape Jerry Brownshirt and his crazed harpies.
If this proposal gains any real traction beyond an appearance on the ballot, only time will tell. There have been plenty of attempts though, which should tell you something. The people of California are far from content with how their state is being governed. With all the crap-laden streets, homelessness, unemployment, taxes, and skyrocketing cost of living, one can’t blame them.
California is its own parody, but there are still a few bastions of sanity standing among the leftist wreckage. Godspeed, Cal 3!