California's takeaway plan: Take away your medical choice, pensions, guns, gold and freedom
Ethan A. Huff, staff wroter
(NaturalNews) Freedom is making a swift exit from the Golden State, where millions of families now face medical tyranny after California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law legislation mandating that all school-age children attending public and private schools get vaccinated. But it won't stop there: The legislature is already gearing up to force vaccines on adults, and soon they'll likely go after people's pensions, gold, guns, and more, as this once-free cultural mecca plunges into absolute totalitarianism.
Introduced just days after Senate Bill 277, SB 792 would require that all child care workers be vaccinated against measles (MMR), pertussis (DTaP), and influenza, with the latter shot being an annual requirement. And just like with SB 277, adults would be prohibited under SB 792 from opting out of these "mandatory" vaccinations for personal or religious reasons, meaning only doctors would be allowed to make this decision on a case-by-case basis.
Both bills are highly unconstitutional because, one, they impinge upon people's freedom of religion and, two, because they obstruct children of their right to receive a public education. This, in addition to the fact that forcing individuals to be injected with chemical cocktails made from aborted human fetal tissue, genetically-modified (GM) live viruses and other poisonous substances is simply unconscionable on a fundamental basis.
And yet California continues to plow full-steam ahead toward eliminating the right of all Californians to reject this controversial medical treatment, which will eventually pave the way for the state to remove many other rights as well. California's ongoing pension crisis, for instance, has led to nearly $200 billion in unfunded liability - up from just $6.3 billion in 2003. Some legislators are suggesting a reform bill that would force pension holders to accept a lower pension amount or require them to contribute more of their earning to pay down the pension debt.
Many other states are suffering similar unfunded liabilities, with a collective pension debt total of some $4.7 trillion nationwide. To some, the only solution to this growing debt problem is to scrap public pensions entirely, which means elderly workers on the verge of retirement could be left without a lifeline as they exit the workforce.
California opens doors to millions of illegal aliens, but says citizens shouldn't be allowed to have guns for self defense
California is also notorious for hating guns, enforcing some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Senator Dianne Feinstein authored a bill banning so-called "assault weapons" that's been on the books in California for more than a decade, and some state legislators are pushing for even more gun control following a recent murder by an illegal alien in the "sanctuary city" of San Francisco.
Rather than recognize the shooting as a wake-up call to enforce its immigration laws, the State of California is instead going after law-abiding citizens who own guns, which is typical of rogue governments pushing an anti-gun agenda. Criminals will always have access to guns, of course, regardless of whether or not they're "illegal."
Meanwhile, more than half of all driver's licenses issued in California in 2015 were granted to illegal immigrants, which perhaps isn't all that surprising considering that people of Latino descent now outnumber Caucasians in California.
California is also going after farmers and residents alike amidst one of the worst droughts in history. Water prices are escalating all throughout the state, and regulators are pushing lofty fines against senior water-rights holders who they say are illegally diverting water for their crops - this, as drinking water bottler Nestle continues to illegally bottle and sell spring water collected from dwindling California aquifers.