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California's green living delusion collapses as residents start spray painting their lawns green - The Disneyfication of Fakifornia
May 17, 2015
The Disneyfication of Fakifornia
Spray painting lawns green is the perfect metaphor for what's happening in California at every level. It's the "Disneyfication" of the state, where everything from politics to public health policy has collapsed into a state of total theater and desperate fakery.
This is not to blame its citizens, of course, many of whom are totally fed up with their own lying government, corrupted state Senators, mindless entitlement spending and police state control over their lives. Many activist citizens of California are fighting hard to restore their state to the greatness it once celebrated, but they are thwarted at every turn by disastrously wrongheaded bureaucrats like Gov. Jerry Brown who just can't help turning the state into a real-life example of the movie Idiocracy.
Determined to further plunge the state into public health chaos, the California Senate voted today to pass SB 277 which would eliminate nearly all vaccine exemptions, thrusting the state into the role of the autism capital of America.
No doubt there's some California bureaucrat ready to sell more government debt bonds to fund an "autism jobs creation program" that would hire the new wave of autistic children to spray paint lawns green. This, of course, would be proposed as an example of the government's amazing compassion for children -- the same children the government is poisoning with toxic vaccines.
Welcome to Fakifornia, where the green lawns are fake, public education is fake, medical "science" is fake, the right of a woman's medical choice is fake, the state budget is fake, the Hollywood faces are fake, the news is fake and the factory foods sold at the grocery store are fake.
There are a lot of amazing, REAL people in California -- many of whom are my personal friends -- but even they are getting fed up with the fakery and looking for exits.
That's why I am now publicly predicting a tidal wave of medical police state refugees and drought refugees fleeing California in search of water and dignity.
California is on the verge of ecological collapse, fiscal collapse and a massive collapse of the public trust in failed government. You would all be wise to watch this from afar rather than being stuck in the middle of it when all the fakery hits the fan. If you live in Collapsifornia right now, pick up your feet and scoot!
As a friend of mine is fond of saying, "When the s#!t hits the fan, try not to be standing in front of the fan!"