California senate stacks committee to pass mandatory vaccination law - 'It was RIGGED!'
Jonathan Benson
(NaturalNews) Knowing that they would likely be unable to pass their new Orwellian mandates for childhood vaccinations the procedural way, California legislators who support forced jabs without informed consent or exemption options resorted to overt rigging and fraud in order to get Senate Bill 277 rushed through the Senate Education Committee.
Though not officially law, the bill's passage through this particular committee represents the first hurdle towards that end, and one that couldn't have been jumped were it not for the illicit jockeying around of key committee members prior to the vote. According to the California Coalition for Health Choice (CCHC), this is precisely how SB 277 even made it out of the committee in the first place -- through fraud and deception.
On April 15, when there should have been a vote on SB 277 after several hours of deliberation and testimony from mostly opponents of the attack on medical freedom, the bill was tabled and a vote on it postponed. It was initially thought that this was a victory, albeit a small one, for health freedom, but this delay actually turned out to be a crafty sleight of hand trick to prevent the bill from being killed.
Just one week later on April 22, the bill was presented once again, but this time as a "vote only item," meaning it was presented without any testimony. And two key committee members were replaced in the interim between the first presentation of SB 277 and the second, allowing for its quick passage, alleges CCHC.
"That bill should have died in committee last Wednesday," stated Sylvia Pimentel, State Director of the Canary Party and member of the California Coalition for Health Choice (CCHC), in the days following SB 277's postponement but prior to the second meeting and vote.
"Instead of taking a vote and letting it die, the bill gets postponed for a week so the author can work on amendments. It's currently scheduled as a 'vote only item' Wednesday. That means no one in opposition will get to testify on whatever amendments the author proposes. How is that good government?"
Committee President Kevin de Leon stacked vote to ensure SB 277 made it through to next committee
As it turns out, the Senate Education Committee President Pro Tempore, Kevin de Leon, suddenly decided to fill a position on the committee that had been vacant for several months with Senator Bill Monning, who had previously voted in favor of SB 277 in the Health committee. The Vice Chair of the committee, Sen. Bob Huff, who was outspokenly opposed to SB 277, was also replaced with Sen. Sharon Runner.
While Sen. Runner ultimately voted against SB 277, Sen. Monning voted in favor of it. And neither of these two senators was around for the earlier meeting in which opposition to the bill was openly expressed -- Sen. Monning just voted in favor of it, sight unseen.
"This is yet another example of the lack of transparency and accountability in government. It should not be allowed," added Pimentel.
Here's a list of the California senators who voted YES to strip Californians of their freedom to opt out of "mandatory" vaccinations for personal or philosophical reasons. Their contact information is listed below their names:
Richard Pan (D-Sacramento)
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 4070
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4006
Fax: (916) 651-4906
District Office
2251 Florin Road, Suite 156
Sacramento, CA 95822
Phone: (916) 262-2904
Fax: (916) 914-2179
Carol Liu (D-La Cañada Flintridge)
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 5097
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4025
Fax: (916) 651-4925
Glendale District Office
1000 North Central Avenue, Suite 240
Glendale, CA 91202
Phone: (818) 409-0400
Fax: (818) 409-1256
Bill Monning (D-Carmel)
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 313
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4017
Fax: (916) 651-4917
Monterey District Office
99 Pacific Street, Suite 575-F
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: (831) 657-6315
Fax: (831) 657-6320
Andy Vidak (R-Hanford)
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 3082
Sacramento, CA 95814-4900
Phone: (916) 651-4014
Fax: (916) 651-4914
Hanford Office
113 Court Street, Suite 205
Hanford, CA 93230
Phone: (559) 585-7161
Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia)
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 5061
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4032
Fax: (916) 651-4932
District Office
400 N. Montebello Blvd., Suite 100
Montebello, CA 90640
Phone: (323) 890-2790
Fax: (323) 890-2795
Marty Block (D-San Diego)
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 4072
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4039
Fax: (916) 651-4939
San Diego District Office
701 B Street, Suite 1840
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 645-3133
Fax: (619) 645-3144
Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley)
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 2082
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4009
Fax: (916) 651-4909
District Office
1515 Clay Street, Suite 2202
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 286-1333
Fax: (510) 286-3885