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Daneen G. Peterson, PhD
Dec. 23, 2014
Prepare for WAR ~ Arm Yourself With Knowledge!
You'll find plenty of 'ammo' at StopTheNorthAmericanUnion.com
The EU and the NAU ~ Two Peas in a Pod! HERE
AMA-FDA Viciously Suppresses CANCER CURES ~ A Video Montage HERE
Read this information VERY CAREFULLY . . . THIS is the plan, written and executed by the communists running our world, country, states, cities and towns. If you haven't figured it out yet . . . you WILL . . . and VERY SOON.
Original citation from: www.StopTheCrime.net
Smart Meters and - FORCED In-Home Energy Audits - Costs Added to OUR
Property Tax Bills for Retrofitting OUR Properties to Reduce
Co2 Emissions . . . Headed to YOUR Town
The information below will be posted with the YouTube soon to be created from this meeting. . . December 16, 2014
We believe this information is important to get out far and wide, as soon as possible. . .
COMMENT: The city [Sebastopol, CA] has adopted a resolution allowing property owners to participate in "three" financing programs for water, energy efficiency upgrades and the installation of renewable energy climate action plan requirements. The city would not incur any expense from their general fund by adopting this resolution FOR the property owners. This meeting was attended by very few members of the public and ONLY a couple questions were asked on this agenda item by the public . . . and those questions were NOT answered by the city attorney, city staff or the council.
READ: City Council Staff Report - http://ci.sebastopol.ca.us/sites/default/files/events-and-meetings/agenda_item_number_7_pace_program_from_sceip_0.pdf December 16, 2014
The city council voted unanimously to allow participation of city property owners in the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs, CaliforniaFIRST and California HERO, and to work collaboratively in the region as members of the Sonoma County PACE Financing "Marketplace". Note: The members of the PACE 'Marketplace' will be installing all those appliances, windows, rooves, and doors, etc. that will drive you to the poor house, with the ULTIMATE GOAL of STEALING your private property, right from underneath you.
While this city council staff "financing" report pertains to a city in Northern California, YOUR cities and counties are signing these loan programs via GRANTS and CONTRACTS for you to ultimately be forced into increasing your debt if you do not have personal funds to pay for reducing your Co2 emissions. These programs are being adopted covertly without the informed knowledge or consent of the people living in the communities.
Soon EVERY building structure, nationwide, will be required to retrofit (replace) all inefficient and unsustainable equipment as assessed by the energy audits. Energy audit companies are offering audits for free to assess what replacements you must make in your homes, offices, etc. to reduce YOUR Co2 emissions. These building replacements will be costly, since the goal is to reduce YOUR green house gas aka Co2 emissions to ZERO or as close to ZERO as possible . . . In short, all previous building codes and existing structures built in accordance with approved, engineered and approved permitted plans will now violate climate change energy reduction requirements
Most ALL previously permitted buildings are inefficient, unsustainable and will not be in compliance with the NEW codes, ordinances and statutory "corporate" laws that our incorporated cities, counties, states and the federal government have adopted for us to reduce green house gas emissions. READ THAT SENTENCE AGAIN, AND AGAIN AND AGAIN . . .
Properties that are not in compliance will be given opportunities to create indebtedness by financing energy upgrades. We asked the city council during this meeting if people on fixed incomes or people that cannot afford to take on energy upgrade loans would be penalized? Public comment ended and the questions from the public were ignored. We, of course, informed the council that there is unsettled and questionable science as to whether global warming is even REAL . . .
ALL structures, nationwide, that were permitted and built without energy upgrades will be out of compliance, and will NOT meet the Co2 emission reductions . . . Properties that are not upgraded will be unsustainable and will be dealt with by your local code enforcement officers. Note: That as of December 2014 Thirty-one (31) states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation allowing for the PACE financing mechanism to operate within the state . . .
The financing terms in Sonoma County in Northern California for the PACE financing is 7% simple interest for a 10 or 20 year term. California HERO (Home Energy Renovation Opportunity) terms are a 5 to 25 year term. Interest on the 5 year term is approximately 5.75% and on the 25 year term the interest is approximately 8.25% . . . reference www.SonomaCountyEnergy.org or phone Jane Elias (707) 565-6483 . . .
We were told how the financing allows for the acquisition and construction or installation of distributed generation renewable energy sources and energy efficiency improvements, which include water efficiency improvements "on" or "in" properties in the County through contractual assessments paid back through property taxes . . . PROPERTY TAXES! Yes! We were informed that these energy upgrade financing loans are collected through your property tax bills . . . Keep in mind when property taxes are late, fines and penalties are charged and ultimately if your property taxes are not paid your property can be "taken" . . .
Other energy upgrade requirements as stated in the meeting were cool roofs, windows, doors, insulation, solar and more to meet energy reduction standards. It is important to note that these energy reduction standards are ONLY the "first phase" of required retrofits. Review the climate action plan in your city - type in the name of your city or county - followed by plans to reduce green house gas emissions . . . or go to your city planning department and pick up a copy . . .
Smart meters are required along with the Energy Star rated appliances (Energy Star appliances are Electric ONLY, and gas appliances and equipment are to be phased out).
Obviously, the smart meter opt-out will no longer provide people with an analog meter option. Hundreds of documents, studies and military admissions have proven that the dangerous effects of the pulsed microwave frequencies from the SMART GRID deployment causes many illnesses and leads to death.
We were told during this council meeting that there would be many benefits and a range of consumer loan choices, and that financing would hasten the climate change Co2 reductions in order to prevent the catastrophic effects of weather events resulting from Co2 emissions . . . Additionally, we were told these retrofits would grow the contractor community in our town and allow for more collection of data to meet reductions of green house gas emissions . . . WELL . . . if they hadn't sent all of our manufacturing jobs to China, etc., then we wouldn't so desperately need all those 'contractor' jobs . . . would we? The NSA will be DELIGHTED to receive still MORE data for their surveillance network.
For more information on the implementation of the Climate Action Plans watch the YouTube Who is Running America and the CAP https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PcruyJTfnCQ (1:35:24) . . . and go to www.StopTheCrime.net and read Lawfully Yours to learn ways that you can attempt to Not Consent.
If you are reading and sharing this information ~ you are part of the resistance!
The EU and the NAU ~ Two Peas in a Pod! HERE
Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union HERE
Using Bilingualism to Subvert America HERE
Illegal Alien Anarchy . . . Connecting the Dots! HERE
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