BREAKING NEWS: Homebirthed, Breast fed babies taken by Child Protective Services
Vaccine Liberation Army
All three of their babies have been taken away from them and placed in the care of strangers (10 month old Levi and newly birthed twins). The birth was perfect. There were no complications with the birth or afterwards. But Erica and her husband Cleave had agreed to notify the local paramedics, in an effort to appease concerned family members who were fearful of their decision to birth at home. That is where their problems began. Read this story
VLA Comment: Another medical kidnap: It is requested we call or write the governor of Washington State:
Erica May and Cleave Rengo face a court date on December 2. They don’t know what they will face then. Supporters are hoping that their story will be shared far and wide, and their children can be returned home quickly.
The Governor of Washington is Jay Inslee. His office number is 360-902-4111. You can email him from here [1