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  • May 7, 2014
  • theunhivedmind


    MAY 7, 2014 BY THE DOC 14 COMMENTS

    Andy and Ceil Barrie purchased an idyllic 10 acre parcel of land in the midst of the White River National Forest. The private land had on it a rustic cabin, an outhouse, and an old boarded-up gold mine.

    It was a day use cabin, and therefore totally off the grid. No electricity, no plumbing – just peace and solitude, accessible only by an ATV via a road that Summit County didn’t even know existed.

    The cabin is 1.2 miles off the main road. From a preparedness standpoint, the place is what most of us dream of – a sweet little piece of paradise far off the beaten path, without a power-line in sight.

    However, the Barries recently discovered that they only “owned” the land until the gov’t decided they wanted it.

    Pay very close attention to the story below, because precedents are being set that could affect hunters with cabins as well as preppers creating bug-out retreats.

    By Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

    Imagine this:

    You do your research and you choose a retreat property far off the beaten path. You spend time and money developing it, making it your own. Maybe it is a vacation home, or maybe you’re a prepper and this is your bug-out location. Regardless of the reason you chose it, it’s yours, so maybe you plant some perennial vegetables and some fruit trees. You dig a well or locate a spring. You make it your own.

    Then the government comes along and says, “Nope, we want this land – you’re out.”

    And they just take it, evicting you like they are the landlord and you are merely a tenant, despite your name on the deed.

    That’s exactly what happened to a couple in Colorado. Andy and Ceil Barrie fought the government and the government won.

    The Barries had purchased and idyllic 10 acre parcel of land in the midst of the White River National Forest. The private land had on it a rustic cabin, an outhouse, and an old boarded-up gold mine. It was a day use cabin, and therefore totally off the grid. No electricity, no plumbing – just peace and solitude, accessible only by an ATV via a road that Summit County didn’t even know existed. The cabin is 1.2 miles off the main road. From a preparedness standpoint, the place is what most of us dream of – a sweet little piece of paradise far off the beaten path, without a powerline in sight.

    The government used many different bizarre strategies to get the Barries off of their land. Pay close attention, because precedents are being set that could affect hunters or those creating bug-out retreats.


    The government’s first line of attack against the Barries was forbidding them to use a motorized vehicle to reach the property. This will sound familiar to anyone who has been following the Cliven Bundy case in Nevada: Summit “county officials issued a report that stated “public motorized access” to the property threatened the alpine tundra and the habitat for the lynx, an endangered species.” (source) County officials took a vote in October of 2013, and in order to save the lynx threatened by the Barries’ occasional access, agreed that their property should be seized. (In the case of the Bundy ranch, his cattle were massacred by the government while they claimed to be concerned about the fate of the desert tortoise.)


    And exactly what nefarious money-making schemes were the Barries up to? Why, Andy Barry had the audacity to gather up fallen pine cones and take them home for his Christmas wreath making business. He used a cart attached to the afore-mentioned ATV to take them back to his home, where the wreaths were created.


    Umm…it’s an off-grid cabin, so there was no electricity and no plumbing to start with. In their haste to protect the environment, one would think that bringing in electricity or plumbing would be far more of an issue than a low-carbon-footprint place that used no public utilities.This was strictly a day-use cabin, thus requiring no plumbing or power. How many off-grid homes that adjoin national land exist across the country right now? How many hunting and trapping cabins are snugly sitting out there in the wilderness? Are all of those properties next on the government’s list of properties to steal?


    A previous owner had expanded the cabin without a permit. Because we have to ask the government’s permission for everything, you see.


    On Thursday, the Barries had no option but to cede the land. They did not have the money to fight against the bottomless coffers of the government. They were paid $115,000 for the land. The couple had spent $75,000 waging a legal defense. Ceil Barrie said in a statement:

    “The cabin was condemned on the grounds of plumbing and electricity, when it doesn’t even have plumbing or electricity. All those things added up in my mind. This is ridiculous, we can never win and our money is not unlimited. I have two kids in college this year. To me, what just came out of it is, you can’t fight the government.” (source)

    The moral to this story is, the government does not support the lifestyle to which many of us aspire. Self sufficiency and freedom from the grid are not celebrated, but demonized. The government, through various agencies masquerading as do-gooders, have waged war on woodstoves, off-grid lifestyles, front yard vegetable gardens, and anything that might allow you to live without their daily input or without being subject to their many taxes and fees.

    Private property rights are ignored and according to the government, we must all submit to their “eminent domain”. What it boils down to: You might think you own something, but it’s clear that it is only yours until the government decides that they want it.


    About the author:

    Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at [email protected]

    theunhivedmind says:

    May 7, 2014 at 10:03 pm

    First of all if you have bought anything including property since 1933 then you do not have ‘Allodial Title’ meaning true lawful ownership. Unfortunately you get what is calld ‘Fee Simple’ which means the tyrannical state can remove the illusion of your fake ownership using a number of methods. Please study the difference between ‘Allodial Title’ and ‘Fee Simple’. Note that since 1933 and the implementation of the Uniform Commercial Code that most nations of the world became bankrupt corporations where money no longer exists and ownership is a thing of the past. Everything that has been purchased since this time will have been paid for using your central banks debt instrument I-owe-yous and therefore they are the property of the central bank and powers above it. If you purchased your property in physical gold and silver precious metals (money) before this system was implemented then you will have ownership through ‘Alloidal Title’ but even then this corrupt non-free establishment will attempt the same dirty tricks.

    It is most obviously a time for a peoples true revolution in order to bring back the American Republic and remove the United States corporation run by the City of London through Jamie Dimon at Wall Street. Yes Jamie Dimon the head of JPMorgan and Chase who orders the U.S President with the desires of The City of London (In New Venice[Britain]) via the Secretary of State currently John Kerry. Notice how a Union Jack flies outside JPMorgan and Chase and how the land itself is owned by Venetian Guelph descendant Queen Elizabeth II. The City of London pirates bankrupted almost of the world and now through each central bank they control each of those they bankrupted. The exceptions were Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya so I hope you are making a connection. Then when Saddam and Gaddafi attempted to make counter-monetary systems what happened to them both? They were publicly humiliated and executed especially Gaddafi (by French DGSE Intelligence then man-in-middled by proxy onto the locals terrorist rats). Now what is happening with Ukraine? President Putin and the BRICS have their Gold Bank which is close to full existence and competing/destroying the Venetian monetary system. So now Putin is under attack by NATO and John McCain neo-conservative crazies and so will all the other BRICS leaders. Keep an eye on each of those nations and the upcoming uprising attempts in each of them which will be mastered by the Venetians to try to destroy the gold bank. President Putin is on the ball and knows their methods of infiltration and attack and he is now shutting those methods down before they can attempt to attack, methods such as NGOs and social media/internet (designed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Department of Defense).

    I urge you all to support President Putin and his allies in this battle of battles. Anyone who challenges Russia has to be crazy and therefore this should show you how important this issue is right now and how there are definite factions out to attempt good or at least give the people of the world an alternative. Do you truly enjoy the system you are enslaved in so far? Do you trust and like terrorists like Sen. John McCain? Do you see your lifestyle fading as the Club of Rome cripples the middle class using the Zero-Growth Post-Industrial Plan and the U.N Agenda 21? Notice how President Putin is doing everything opposite to the Club of Rome’s desires. Notice how Putin attempts to increase and not reduce the population of the Russian Federation. What have you to got to lose? The alternative media is almost completely controlled by George H.W Bush and his nefarious CIA/DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst) intelligence network hooked in with the British Intelligence. The alternative media has been designed to make you no longer care about factions and to believe that everyone is all on the same page and that all and every have become your enemy. This way you will never stand on the side of someone who may be trying to help you. If half of the Pentagon want to help the people, the alternative media followers will still force against this half due to their prior programming by the CIA all under proxy. If you cannot see what is truly happening right now against President Putin then you either have your eyes shut or you have been programmed by the idea that everything is the hegelian dialectic.

    Do not be fooled and remember the great men who tried hard to bring and keep some or all of your once freedoms. I leave you with one such example and that is former U.S President John F. Kennedy. Whilst the corporate merchant pirates (Warren Buffett) create droughts in California and Texas by draining dams in order to steal lands, destroy the agriculture business and America. If Kennedy’s, North American Water and Power Alliance had came to plan then the lives of many Americans would have been so different. Whilst most people attack and hate Gaddafi, he did a lot more for Libya than people of the West were allowed to know and at the same time his final attempts to free the people from Western slavery caused his assassination. Its the same in the U.K with Nigel Farage and his UKIP political party. You will have Britons programmed up saying what is point, they are all controlled even though you can clearly see the daily attacks against Nigel Farage and his party using lies. Then you will have some Britons say that Nigel Farage does not go far enough and this maybe so, but right now you have no chance in hell of getting Roger Hayes (British Constitutional Group) in power. If Nigel Farage gets into power then eventually further changes could occur over time and eventually a new mindset can be bought about in the masses to understanding the likes of the great Roger Hayes.


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