State of Connecticut Crafts 'Special Act' to Hide Sandy Hook Evidence
Kurt Nimmo Infowars
If the Connecticut General Assembly is successful, we will never know details of what happened at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown on December 14, 2012.
The Hartford Courant reports that the state’s top prosecutor and the governor’s office are working in secret with General Assembly leaders on legislation designed to withhold records related to the police investigation of the incident. If enacted, the legislation will hide from public scrutiny photos of victims, 911 call records and other evidence.
“There is complete agreement regarding photos etc., and audio tapes, although the act may allow the disclosure of audio transcripts,” a top assistant to Chief State’s Attorney Kevin Kane, Timothy J. Sugrue, told the Courant.
The bill has not gone through routine committee process or legislative procedures. It has not received a public hearing. It is being worked on in secret by leaders in both the House and Senate.
“A lot of people, including our office, have heard the concerns expressed by the families of Newtown victims, and are exploring ways to respect the families’ right to privacy while also respecting the public’s right to information,” gubernatorial chief of staff Mark Ojakian said in a statement released by Andrew Doba, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s director of communications.
Immediately after the event at Sandy Hook, people questioned the official story due to an inordinate number of inconsistencies and other unresolved aspects. The corporate media peddled the official version despite lingering questions.
In December, Lt. J. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police threatened to prosecute investigative journalists who questioned the official narrative. According to Vance, reports deviating from the official narrative “are crimes, they will be investigated, state-wide and federally, and prosecution will take place when people perpetrating [information at odds with the official version] are identified.”
Democrats and anti-Second Amendment advocates exploited the official narrative to push draconian gun legislation. In April, the so-called Toomey-Manchin anti-gun bill failed to pass in the Senate after a concerted propaganda campaign by Democrats, organizations like Mayors Against Illegal Guns headed up by New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, and the establishment media.