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Now you're a felon

Ray Lautenschlager - LibertyTeeth

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Feb. 12, 2013

Your calls and emails are working.

Two weeks ago SDGO alerted you to the anti-gun House Bill 1188, which gives an unelected board of bureaucrats in Yankton County power to arbitrarily strip South Dakotans of their gun rights, FOR LIFE. 

Thanks to the thousands of calls and emails you sent, HB 1188 has stalled before the House Health and Human Services Committee.

But now the sponsors are working to push this anti-gun nightmare through, and the bill WILL come up for a vote within the next few days.

That’s why it’s vital that you contact the committee members below.

Even if you’ve already done so, please do it again to remind them that you’re still strongly opposed.

The complete committee email list is below. If you’ve had technical issues in the past, please copy and paste it straight to your email. As always, feel free to use the sample message to help direct your comments.

Complete Email List of the House Health and Human Services Committee

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

--------------Sample Message---------------

Dear Representative,

I am strongly opposed to HB 1188, which gives an unelected county-level board authority to play God with the Second Amendment, state-wide.

No court hearing. No decision by a jury. People may not even get to pick their own lawyer.

Once the Yankton County Board of Mental Illness declares a person “dangerous” under the subjective new standards in this bill, they can never touch a firearm again without an arduous appeals process.

HB 1188 also turns law-abiding gun owners into felons if a person who has been declared “dangerous” gets hold of their guns.

This goes WAY beyond disarming truly dangerous people and places a staggering burden on individual gun owners. In the real world, it would imprison law-abiding people for innocent mistakes.

I respectfully urge you to vote against HB 1188. Thank you for your consideration.



Please see the email below for more info on this issue, and take action right away!




January 29, 2013

Dear Patrick,

Things are really heating up in Pierre.

The anti-gun crowd just introduced HB 1188, which could lock you up as a felon if the wrong person got hold of your firearm.

This bill goes WAY beyond disarming truly dangerous people and places a staggering burden on individual gun owners. In the real world, it would imprison law-abiding people for innocent mistakes.

But that’s not the worst part. HB 1188 also empowers an unelected board of bureaucrats in Yankton County to summarily strip you of your gun rights on a whim, FOR LIFE.

No court hearing. No decision by a jury of your peers. You may not even get to pick your lawyer.

The Yankton County Board of Mental Illness simply declares you “dangerous” under the subjective new standards in this bill, and you can never touch a firearm again without an arduous appeals process.

Think this kind of nightmare could never happen to you? Think again.

HB 1188 would let a bunch of unelected bureaucrats play God with the Second Amendment. It sets up an incredibly dangerous precedent.

Please contact the House Health and Human Services Committee below and respectfully DEMAND that they kill anti-gun HB 1188.

As before, you can email the committee with the list below (just copy and paste the list and email them all at once), or call and leave messages for up to two at a time between 9am and 4pm, Eastern Time: (605) 773-3851.

Whether you call or email, you don't have to say any more than “Please vote NO on HB 1188.”  

Complete Email List of the House Health and Human Services Committee (just click, or copy and paste):

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Individual Health and Human Services Committee Members

Rep. Scott Munsterman, Chair

[email protected]

Rep. Melissa Magstadt, Vice Chair

[email protected]

Rep. Blaine Campbell

[email protected]

Rep. Scott Ecklund

[email protected]

Rep. Jenna Haggar

[email protected]

Rep. Paula Hawks

[email protected]

Rep. Leslie Heinemann

[email protected]

Rep. Troy Heinert

[email protected]

Rep. Steve Hickey

[email protected]

Rep. Jacqueline Sly

[email protected]

Rep. Karen Soli

[email protected]

Rep. Manny Steele

[email protected]

Rep. Steven Westra

[email protected]

There is no time to waste. HB 1188 could come up for a vote very soon.

Please take action right away!

For Freedom,

Ray Lautenschlager

Executive Director

P.S. The anti-gun crowd in Pierre is pushing an anti-gun nightmare that would turn you into a felon if the wrong person got hold of your firearm. It would lock up law-abiding people for innocent mistakes.

Even worse, this bill (HB 1188) would give a bunch of un-elected bureaucrats in Yankton County power to declare you “dangerous” on a whim and strip you of your gun rights, for life.

Please contact the committee above right away! Then if you can, please chip in $5 or $10 to help us STOP this anti-gun nightmare!