Chicago’s illustrious Police Chief, Superintendent or SuperNintendo (whichever you wish to call him) got on a local radio station in Chicago and told it like he perceives it.
He said that citizens licensed to carry could be, and indeed predicted they would be shot by Chicago Police Officers.
Like that happens in 49 other states (or 56 other states if you listen to Barack Obama).
Here’s the words from the Chicago’s Chief Street Light Asssassin, as reported by News in Black:
“I don’t care if they’re licensed legal firearms, people who are not highly trained… putting guns in their hands is a recipe for disaster. So I’ll train our officers that there is a concealed carry law, but when somebody turns with a firearm in their hand the officer does not have an obligation to wait to get shot to return fire and we’re going to have tragedies as a result of that. I’m telling you right up front.”
How is that different than police officers are now trained, Mr. Streetlight Assassin?
Here’s what Second City Cop, a blog by and for Chicago Police Officers thought of McCarthy’s remarks:
…Rahm and McShitForBrains continue to push their belief that Illinois residents in general and Chicago denizens in particular, are completely incompetent when it comes to gun ownership. Let’s be real – how often do you think you’ll be running into an actual legally carrying citizen? Those aren’t the people that the police usually encounter. And if you aren’t treating every traffic stop as one where a gun might be on scene in any event, you’re not being the police.
And not to denigrate the Department, but we’ll bet a sizable percentage of Illinois citizens not only know guns better than the police, they can outshoot them 60-to-70% of the time, 99% of the time if we’re talking long guns.
Remember, McKillTheCitizens was documented to have been shooting out streetlights when he carried a gun in New York – is that really the sort of asshole who should be telling citizens they can’t have guns after a year of 500+ homicides, 2,500+ shootings and a January that is already 200% ahead of last years dismal showing?