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LA Times reports CA Parks $54 million CAFR surplus; Director resigns, #2 fired

Carl Herman

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July 21, 2012

The Los Angeles Times reported California’s Department of Parks and Recreation tried to hide $54 million in account surpluses while claiming a $22 million budget deficit would “force” 70 park closures.

Director Ruth Coleman resigned; second-in-command Michael Harris was fired.

This story is repeated in California state accounts to the sum of $600 billion in surplus assets; documented in the state’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).

I e-mailed the two reporters to commend their work and invite reporting of the larger picture that similarly implicates CA Governor Jerry Brown, both parties’ “leadership,” and my very own two state representatives who chose “no comment” upon five weeks of my work to have them simply affirm this data.

[email protected]