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Democracy under seige in Washington County, Wisconsin
William Meyers
UPDATE - Democracy under seige in Washington County governmentWashington County Board held a rare evening meeting to approved County's $118 million budget. When Supervisor Mark McCune's tried to introduce his $1,000,000 budget cut amendment, County Board Chairman Herbert Tennies found McCune out of order refusing to let him speak. The Chairman then refused to allow an amendment citing HIS authority to make up rules. A motion was made to allow the Board to vote on the Chairman's decision. Supervisor William Meyers, Richfield said, "The U.S. Constitution Article 1, Section VIII established the rule of law over the rule of any man. You don't get to just make up the rules, Mr. Chairman." To which the Chairman responded, "Yes, I do!" Read the full Press Release here.
Democracy under seige in Washington County government - County Supervisor William Meyers today called upon County Board Chairman Herbert Tennies to withdraw new rules barring amendments to the County Budget without the Chairman's advance approval. These same rules were voted down by the Washington County Executive Committee in April 2011 so the Chairman has decided to grant himself new powers arbitrarily.
IF the new rules are not withdrawn, Supervisor Meyers has requested an agenda item for the November 3, 2011 7:00pm public hearing/budget meeting of the County Board so all Supervisors can vote for or against giving the Chairman dictatorial powers. Read the memo ... here.