The Texas Governor May Not See The Light. So Lets Make Him Feel The Heat.We Want The TSA Bill Passed Into Law
Realman 2000
Many are aware Gov Rick Perry called a special session to wrap up a few spending bills concerning the budget. The Governor said he will sign HB-1937 if it passed the legislator. We all knew that did not happen. For some strange reason the governor did include HB-1937 in the special session after calling for a special session. The Lt Governor has had his ass handed back to him by the angry people of Texas after it was found out he had played a part in killing the bill in the Senate. Now he reconsiders and now pleads with Gov Perry to put the bill in the special session. Still the Governor has not put the bill back in the agenda of the special session. It is good to know that two identical bills of HB 1937 are now again on file in both chambers of the legislator. On the House side by Rep Simpson filed HB-41 and Sen. Patrick with SB-29.
To me saying he supported the bill. Do I get the impression he just playing lip service to the people. He has burned Texans so many times. We need to put his money were his mouth is. Is Rick Perry really "Fed up" with the heavy hand of Washington DC? We all need to hold his feet to the fire and make him feel the heat. If he is serious, about freedom and liberty to be very sacred in Texas. We have no choice than to give him hell and force him to eat those words. If he does not act on what he says. Let his words haunt him .We should all ridicule him saying his book "Fed Up" is not worthy to take up space on my bookshelf to collect dust. I feel sorry for the dust mites if they reside on his book. If he does not pass this bill and blows off the people of Texas. Then the Governor should not run for President ,because this will dog at him if he has the audacity to think we will forget. So lets give him hell and make him feel the heat if he does not see the light.
June 10, 2011