It took me for a long time to find out that there is no difference between the two parties on the state and federal level. Not so much the average members or the rank and file. It is coming from the establishment leadership. While the Democrats may attack our economic liberty with high taxes and burdensome regulation declaring war on poverty. The Republicans will declare and war on crime and drugs to steal our God given liberties. The Democrats I can expect to be hardcore socialist. Our war is not with the Democrats this time.
The battle is to seek and expose the two faced politicians claiming to be conservatives,and pro Texas. They are people in the GOP establishment in Texas we call RINOs meaning Republican In Name Only.The people who say one thing telling the masses they are for the people of Texas while behind the scenes stabbing Texans in the back. These people are the obstructionist who stand in the way of Texas declaring sovereignty.They are the entrenched establishment who are just as much for a police state and tyranny as the Democrats are. They have no intention of helping Texas be free. Last Wednesday on May 25. The RINOs were exposed.
One man who should be ran out on a rail from Texas is the Lt Governor David Dewhurst for his efforts being the water carrier for the Federal Government. Violating ethics rules twisting the arms of the State Senators not to vote for this Legislation that prohibits TSA to touch people in a way that violates a person's dignity.This bill was upholding existing state law against inappropriate touching putting the TSA on notice.The Lt Governor threatened if they passed the bill. Texas would be a no fly zone because the Federal government would shut down all air travel in and out of Texas.This is how the Lt governor was exposed.He actions behind the scenes in killing a bill that was unanimously passed in the State house was about to be voted by a super majority passing in the Senate until this hack destroyed any chance of passage of the bill from happening . The Lt Governor is a hack for the globalist.
Not too long ago the Texas Lt Governor was with George Soros in Bretton Woods New Hampshire in a conference with this globalist robber baron on killing the US dollar and destroying Texas. This man's who is not only Lt Governor. He is the President of the State Senate. His corruption was exposed and seen his true intent of undermining the people of Texas. The Will of Texans was to prohibit the TSA from sticking hands down the pants of the people in Texas. David Dewhusrt torpedoed the will of the people. He needs to be investigated. Indicted by a grand jury, arrested,have a public trial and imprisoned.After he finishes his sentence. Run him on a rail out of Texas. Texans will not bow the knee to Tyranny nor will we lick the boots of the TSA to fly.