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Up and Down the State Family Court in the News

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IcpS1m9bOj6hU2wFw4BPbrKUuazUjbQXMoI1xQK4L5nvenJDll-fQKq3YQqS7X3Df3edEHbwXHrB8-ekxaYp3owNX6WtLzmMPJslTa1xSznNLfEGw92T0omzQ1KseTwc3kO4osRZmOpH7WOLbH1BfhQ1KziIAfJQ4jm7NVKUJHYgW3dZujS5O27zTnJyiAGe-270Kxg_o3-JQ7LOMM9vtvLGNk=" style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline;">California Family Courts Helping Pedophiles, Batterers get Child Custody"  is what I was referring to.  I prior mentioned grant money is how the gov't is steering the cases and grant money coming from various directions.  I'm suspicious the courts decisions may also be controlled by the not open for public record Inns of Court.  The complaints were so numerous that the CA State Auditor took the top 2 counties with the most complaints and did an audit of the Courts.  This group worked hard to get as far as they have come, a State Audit.  I copied the Audit Report link below. 
Honest courts, honest judges and justice is needed, appears all over the world.  Otherwise the crooks go free. 
The CA State Audit Report:
Please take a moment to read these four amazing stories about the crisis in the family courts. Since the Jan. 20 release of the State Auditor's report on the Marin and Sacramento family courts, there has been an onslaught of articles written about the crisis. From L.A. to Sacramento, investigative journalists have been exposing the problems and players that have been plaguing our family courts for decades. This recent swell of press is highlighted by the SF Weekly's in-depth investigative story about California's broken family court system - one of the most comprehensive stories ever written about the family court crisis.

Kathleen Russell sought out SF Weekly's Peter Jamison and worked with him for over four months to make the story a reality. CJE also worked closely to generate the Union and Capitol Weekly articles. We strongly encourage all of our supporters to click on the link, read the article (if you have not done so already) and post a comment in the comments section.

Here are the most recent articles:

SF Weekly

March 2, 2011

California Family Courts Helping Pedophiles, Batterers get Child Custody

Los Angeles Times

February 27, 2011

Child custody expert linked to lewd web photos

The Union

February 12, 2011

Audit ordered in response to court mediator's claims

Capitol Weekly

February 8, 2011

State audit triggers new scrutiny of family courts

*The Pacific Sun -- Marin County's weekly newspaper -- will be running a story on the audit of the Marin and Sacramento Family Courts. The story is expected to be posted by Friday, March 18 at

CJE's 5th Anniversary!

Save the Dates

CJE is currently planning a 5th anniversary celebration this May and we'd love for you to come and celebrate this special occasion with us. Please save the dates of May 18th and May 19th -- the event will be one of those days. Stay tuned as we'll be sending more details once a date is locked down.   

Remember to check the Center's website often for breaking news & action opportunities.  For more information, contact the Center at 415-388-9600, or at [email protected]