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Infant girl kidnapped from hospital


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Here is the contact info for child protective services in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Youth and Family Services:

Maggie Bishop

(603) 271-4440

[email protected]

DCYF Central Intake Unit (800-894-5533)

The baby was taken for the father's involvement with Oathkeepers, a coalition of law enforcement, and military who support the Constitution. He is not a paying member.

The governor of New Hampshire is John Lynch. He is up to his neck in  this tragic removal of a newborn infant less than one day old from her mother from the hospital, without just cause and without legal due  process.

You can email him here.

With this precedent, it can happen to anyone. The state has performed a kidnapping of an infant girl, born October 6th, 2010. I hope everyone who sees this will be vociferous in their public outrage. As far as I know, the location of the baby is unknown to the parents and the public. Also unknown is whether she is dead or alive.

Oct. 8, 2010