Infant girl kidnapped from hospital
Here is the contact info for child protective services in New Hampshire
New Hampshire Youth and Family Services:
Maggie Bishop
(603) 271-4440
DCYF Central Intake Unit (800-894-5533)
The baby was taken for the father's involvement with Oathkeepers, a coalition of law enforcement, and military who support the Constitution. He is not a paying member.
The governor of New Hampshire is John Lynch. He is up to his neck in this tragic removal of a newborn infant less than one day old from her mother from the hospital, without just cause and without legal due process.
You can email him here. http://www4.egov.nh.gov/governor/goveforms/comments.asp
With this precedent, it can happen to anyone. The state has performed a kidnapping of an infant girl, born October 6th, 2010. I hope everyone who sees this will be vociferous in their public outrage. As far as I know, the location of the baby is unknown to the parents and the public. Also unknown is whether she is dead or alive.
Oct. 8, 2010