To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 10:30 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Have documents that you might want to post. It's called trading the dead-- mythhood statehood Hawaii. If you read it you know why the U.S is desperate to put Hawaiians inder the native american classification. It explains how the U.S. AND WORLD BANK ARE USING THE Kingdom of Hawaii to move assets through the postal union. Heavy as it gets. Aloha J
1, Mythhood of Statehood
resources/uploads/file/Mythhood Statehood PDF.pdf
Author: Mahealani [email protected]
2. Tribal Secrecy Act
resources/uploads/file/tribal secresy act.pdf
3. U.S. Oblijgational Government Agents
4. Order of De Jur Grand Jury
5. SEC Complaint
6. Order:Vacating Fed Scam
#1 (Reply)
Websters definition: Federal recognition acknowledges a tribe's eligibility to receive federal services provided to tribes
In 1974 US congress came up with a classification for the corporate “n/Native Hawaiian” term.
S. 147 executive summary, describes the “bill” a bill to authorize the creation of a race-based government for Native Hawaiians living throughout the United States. This bill does this by shoehorning the native Hawaiian population , wherever located, under a federal Indian law system and calling the resulting government a “tribe”.
Making up a Pass through account as a corporation (25, 48 USC) admiralty - fabricating a substitution transfer that allows the f. US congress to add archipelagic revenues to the “native trusts” they operate – look at BIA.
25 CFR 83.7§83 .7 Mandatory criteria for Federal acknowledgment.
[ Editorial note: the seven criteria are given the letters a,b,c,d,e,f,g. Some of these criteria have sub-parts, and sub-sub-parts. I have placed lines to separate the seven criteria from each other for greater clarity ]
The mandatory criteria are:
(a) The petitioner has been identified as an American Indian entity on a substantially continuous basis since 1900. Evidence that the group's character as an Indian entity has from time to time been denied shall not be considered to be conclusive evidence that this criterion has not been met. Evidence to be relied upon in determining a group's Indian identity may include one or a combination of the following, as well as other evidence of identification by other than the petitioner itself or its members.
(1) Identification as an Indian entity by Federal authorities.
(2) Relationships with State governments based on identification of the group as Indian.
(3) Dealings with a county, parish, or other local government in a relationship based on the group's Indian identity.
(4) Identification as an Indian entity by anthropologists, historians, and/or other scholars.
(5) Identification as an Indian entity in newspapers and books.