Arnold 'Bohemian Grove' Schwarzenegger Calls for Transparent Government!
Dan Bacher
Photo: Governor Schwarzenegger delivering remarks at the FPPC Political Reform Act Task Force Meeting in Sacramento on August 30. From left to right: Political Reform Act Task Force Member Darius Anderson, Political Reform Act Task Force Co-Chairman Charles H. Bell Jr., Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, FPPC Chairman Dan Schnur, Political Reform Act Task Force Co-Chairman Bob Stern and Political Reform Act Task Force Member Gary Winuk. Photo Credit: Justin Short, Office of the Governor.

In the most absurd episode yet in the bad action flick that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has starred in since being elected Governor in 2003, the "Fish Terminator" on Saturday morning spouted off about the need for "transparent" government in his weekly radio address.
"Ever since I became Governor, I have pushed to make California government more transparent," Schwarzenegger claimed. "Now, I don’t have to tell you that this is a time of deep recession, all around the world."
"It is more critical than ever that government be held accountable for every dollar it spends, that it live within its means, and that it show total transparency at all levels: at the local level, the state level and the federal level," said Schwarzenegger.
This is coming from the guy who has demonstrated more of a penchant for secrecy than any other Governor in California history. This is coming from the corporate-controlled political hack that was a keynote speaker on July 30, 2010 at the highly secretive Bohemian Grove near Monte Rio on the Russian River (http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20100728/ARTICLES/100729459).
The Bohemian Grove is an exclusive, men's only club where the heads of global corporations, select politicians, bankers and the elite members of the ruling class from throughout the globe "relax" and network to devise their schemes to pillage the world's resources, launch wars and control the population while making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
On the first night of the annual encampment, the members of the club perform a bizarre ritual called the "Cremation of Care." "This ceremony involves the poling across a lake of a small boat containing an effigy of Care (called 'Dull Care'). Dark, hooded figures receive from the ferryman the effigy which is placed on an altar, and, at the end of the ceremony, set on fire," according to wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cremation_of_Care). "This 'cremation' symbolizes that members are banishing the 'dull cares' of conscience."
Many believe that the elite, meeting at Bohemian Grove, picked Schwarzenegger to run for Governor in order to plunder the California economy and resources through increased privatization of public trust resources to benefit the super-rich.
On July 21, 2003, Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross reported in the San Francisco Chronicle, "From what we've heard, the Republican hierarchy -- especially those close to former Gov. Pete Wilson -- would favor Schwarzenegger. At least that's the word that came out of the Bohemian Grove this past weekend, where a number of state and national GOPers, including presidential adviser Karl Rove, happened to have gathered at a club getaway."
However, we'll never know exactly what transpired in Schwarzenegger's annual appearances at the Grove because all proceedings, events and speeches are kept secret, even though the lives of billions of people throughout the world are greatly impacted what is discussed behind closed doors at the annual event.
Schwarzenegger's speech on “transparent” government then devolved into an attack on the Senate for refusing to pass a bill that would require them to post their salaries and expenditures online, followed by a shameless rant praising all of his alleged initiatives for “transparency” in Government.
“I opened my own calendar to the public,” Schwarzenegger gushed. “No other sitting Governor has ever done that.”
Schwarzenegger sure didn't open his calendar to the public on July 30, when he spoke along with Rupert Murdoch, media magnate and owner of Fox News, to the gathered elite at the Bohemian Grove! In fact, he didn't even disclose what topic he was speaking about.
According to Mary Moore, an organizer of yearly protests in front of the Grove's gates, Schwarzenegger's appearance was described as follows on the Grove's program: "Friday, July 30: Topic undisclosed: California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger" ( http://dailycensored.com/2010/08/06/speakers-at-the-2010-bohemian-grove-include-rupert-murdoch-david-gergen-and-arnold-schwarzenegger/).
My experience with covering water and environmental politics under Schwarzenegger administration is the exact opposite of his claims that he is the “Transparent Governor.”
In contrast with the Governor's claims of "transparency" in government, Schwarzenegger’s Delta Vision and Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) officials went out of their way to exclude the input of California Indian Tribes, anglers and environmentalist justice communities, the groups most impacted by the Governor’s plan for a peripheral canal and new dams, from these rigged fiascos. Only after an action alert went out complaining about the lack of tribal and recreational fishing representation was one lone tribal representative and one lone recreational fishing representative appointed to Delta Vision Stakeholders Group.
Likewise, the Governor, the Legislative leaders, Westlands Water District, the Metropolitan Water Agency and corporate environmental NGOs met in secret, back door negotiations last year to craft the water policy/water bond package that creates a clear path to a peripheral canal and new, unneeded dams. The Governor and Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg did everything they could to ram this package through the Capitol without input from California Indian Tribes, fishermen, Delta farmers and residents, and environmental justice communities.
Fortunately, the massive opposition by the public to the water bond forced the Governor to go to the Legislature and get the bond delayed until November 2012. However, the Governor is still pushing his plans to build the canal and new dams through the BDCP process and the Delta Stewardship Council created by last year’s legislation.
Another process that the Governor and his collaborators claim is “open, inclusive and transparent,” the privately funded Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative, is anything but. It was only after outrage by First Amendment advocates and the Newspapers Publishers Association over the arrest of David Gurney at an MLPA “working session" in April that MLPA Executive Director Ken Wiseman was forced to allow the sessions to be photographed and filmed, as is required by the Bagley-Keene Public Meetings Act.
The Resources Legacy Fund Foundation, a shadowy organization that is totally unaccountable to the public, has funded this illegitimate process since Schwarzenegger launched the MLPA Initiative in 2004. Schwarzenegger has appointed oil industry, real estate, marina development and other private operatives with conflicts of interest to the MLPA's Blue Ribbon Task Forces that choose the marine reserve proposals that are submitted for approval by the Fish and Game Commission.
If the MLPA is such an “open, transparent and inclusive” process, why did 300 Tribal members, fishermen, immigrant workers and environmentalists feel so left out of the process that they had to organize a march and direct action to take over a MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force meeting in Fort Bragg on July 21 so their voices would be finally heard?
Schwarzenegger’s regular appearances at the Bohemian Grove and his pushing of rigged processes including the Delta Vision, BDCP, MLPA and the water policy/water bond fiascos show that his call for “transparency” in government is a hypocritical lie. His claim that he is the "Transparent Governor" rings just as hollow as his claim that he is the "Green Governor" when he has presided over the unprecedented collapse of Central Valley steelhead, Sacramento River chinook salmon, Delta smelt, longfin smelt, green sturgeon and other California Delta fish populations.
Schwarzenegger’s 2-minute, 52-second radio address is available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Fb0yv_5rS8.
Sept. 4, 2010