The wheels of Truth and Justice turn slowly and sometimes not at all, but this time they are turning. The European Council has finally taken the unprecedented step of declaring the Swine Flu a fake pandemic. That was a huge step for them. Considering the huge influence the pharmaceutical industry has on the entire scientific community and Governments all around the world, the fact that officials make such public statements is really quite revolutionary in thought and action. However, had it not been for the ground-swell of outrage, opposition and protest by people who saw the Truth behind the lies, it is unlikely that they would have made this declaration and a lot more damage and profiteering would have taken place at the expense of the people.
The unseen instigators of this scam continue to remain nameless but the main accomplishes are clearly visible. WHO Director-General Chan, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, CDC, Baxter and Novartis pharmaceuticals and the 30 senior representatives of leading pharmaceutical companies who were in attendance at the meeting are, all, up to their eyeballs. The CDC still recommends that people get vaccinated against the Swine Flu; this is your sign that they are part of the scam at the top level. All should be thoroughly investigated and lawsuits should be brought. The top officials responsible for this ruse should be held accountable for their actions, sued, removed from office and should never again be entrusted to hold public office.
The people of the world have had an opportunity to see the Beast in action and have seen him stopped dead in his tracks. Today, the Human family is more aware of his the tricks. May we never forget this chapter in human events; how we were all subject to a Pandemic scam and false flag operation and by whom, and for what motive. May we never underestimate the power of the Light of Truth and the importance of speaking out against the lie. May we never forget that the effort of a relatively few people uniting in one voice, can make a difference in stopping evil. May we never forget that we have a powerfull ally when we ask for His assistance. And may we remain constantly vigilant, for that IS the price of freedom.
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Please see Dr. Mercola's article of 4-22-2010, below.
German Magazine Reveals Drug Companies' Influence to Engineer Swine Flu Fake Pandemic
Posted by Dr. Mercola April 22 2010
When the swine flu first emerged, World Health Organization officials estimated that between 2 and 7.4 million could die. The panic that ensued mounted worldwide vaccination programs while government agencies prepared for disaster.
But as the world now knows, swine flu was actually relatively harmless … and the deadly “pandemic” never emerged. As it turns out, those who suspected a greed and money-driven conspiracy was at play may have been right all along.
As the German magazine Der Spiegel reports, the swine flu pandemic of 2009 may have been engineered by the drug companies:
“In mid-May, about three weeks before the swine flu was declared a pandemic, 30 senior representatives of pharmaceutical companies met with WHO Director-General Chan and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at WHO headquarters.
The vaccine industry was mainly interested in one question: the decision to declare phase 6.
Phase 6 acted as a switch that would allow bells on the industry's cash registers to ring, risk-free, because many pandemic vaccine contracts had already been signed. Germany, for example, signed an agreement with the British firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 2007 to buy its pandemic vaccine -- as soon as phase 6 was declared.”
Many jumped on the pandemic bandwagon, but not everyone was fooled. As Spiegel Online reported, Polish health minister, physician Ewa Kopacz, saw through the scam and declined to buy swine flu vaccines for the country. She asked:
“Is it my duty to sign agreements that are in the interest of Poles, or in the interest of the pharmaceutical companies?"
The Obama-administration, certain suspected Congress-persons, lobbyists and black-ops personnel may have teamed up to produce this world-wide biological psyop, (psychological operation - in this case, the pharmaceutical industry, W.H.O., military or CIA black-ops and governmental actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, nations and foreign governments) "the Swine Flu Outbreak" upon the citizens of the world. The reasons for this totally engineered, world-wide "HINI-Swine flue" scam, spread around the world by unknown persons, appears to three-fold; financial profit, to push U.S. Government Health Care on the U.S. population, and world population reduction.Any and all high-level, Federally elected politicians and appointed officials who have preferred or common stock, or have recently dumped stock, in either Baxter and Novartis Pharmaceuticals (the main players in this scam) are suspect and should be investigated immediately for their involvement in this scheme/scam. It has been reported that Mr. Obama has had stock in Baxter Pharmaceuticals since 2005. Does this say to you about this man?The Obama administration and Congressional insiders are using this totally-engineered crisis to scare Congress into voting for, and scare American citizens into supporting, Government Health Care. To date, all Democratic representatives have gone along with the scheme/scam, unanimously voting for the Obamacare bill while all (except one) Republican representatives have voted against it. The greater crime, of course, is the murder of thousands of innocent, unsuspecting people around the world. Baxter and Novartis pharmaceuticals, all Government Health Care Bill supporters, i.e., Barack Obama and his enablers, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and their enablers, Health Care bill lobbyists, Health Care bill authors and committee members, should all be investigated for their part in these crimes against humanity and hoax upon the American people. Shame on you all co-conspirators for your involvement in this murderous plot against the people of the world!May the American people connect the dots and recognize that the wool has been pulled over their eyes; may they recognize the Pandemic scheme/scam for what it is; may they continue to oppose the Government Health Care bill, and may they demand that Mr. Obama call off his phony, totally engineered "HINI Pandemic National Emergency" Now!Supporting articles (below):1. CDC'S Own Data Confirms There Is No H1N1 Pandemic2. Government Will Hype Fall Swine Flu Outbreak To Save Obamacare, Warns Dick Armey3. Startling New Evidence That The 'Swine Flu' Pandemic Is Man-Made4. Should Barack Obama own shares of Baxter Labs when he signs the checks for a majouir percentage of their revenue? Well he does...