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This Website Forces Another Utah Republican Leader to Resign:
No thanks to the Deseret News, who had this story back in 2001 and refused to publish it (sound familiar?). No thanks to the Utah politicians that gave Garn a hearty round of applause AND a standing ovation when he admitted being naked in a hot-tub with an equally naked 15 year old girl. Don't believe me? Listen for yourself!
Not one Utah Politician publicly called for this Child Predator's Resignation. Not one Democrat and not one Republican. So, their you have it folks, the real problem in Utah. Personally, I blame Joseph Cannon for this one. He was the head of the Republican Party when this story broke in 2001. He was also on the Board of the Deseret Morning News. In fact, his brother Chris was a US Congressman at the time and both Cannons were running the State of Utah.
After watching what Cannon did to my story, in exchange for "mucho dinero", I have come to believe that the only voices that can now be heard in the great State of Utah are the voices of Washington, Lincoln, Wilson and Franklin. They might seem to speak from the grave, when in fact all Cannon has to do is see their faces on a piece of paper and he falls speechless. Unfortunately, so does his newspaper.
Just ask Dr. Stephen Jones, who was sacked from BYU at the insistence of the Utah Neo-cons if he got a fair shake in the Cannon controlled media. Better yet, ask me.
As I stated earlier, statistically, a pedophile will have 30-40 other victims than the one he got caught with. Being naked with a 15 year old girl is enough to qualify Garn as a pedophile. I am sure that I am not the only one wondering about other victims out there that are too afraid to come forward.
May I also offer a clue to the people of Utah? Check his computers before he deletes his hard drives. Confiscate them now. You would do this with any other pedophile in your state, why should this perp. be any different.
The girl says there was sexual contact. That means you also have a statutory rape case you could pursue. Add Obstruction of Justice, Witness Tampering in the case of a Felony, Bribery and perhaps witness intimidation in to boot. Otherwise, the people of Utah might believe that you really do keep two sets of books. One for the sex offenders you have prosecuted, and one for those you won't.
I Will Do My Part To Help!
I am initiating a Petition Drive Calling for the Immediate Resignation of Joseph Cannon as Editor and Board Member of the Deseret News
To Sign: Click Here!