The Latest Stunt By The California State Government
Just Thought I'd let you know:
I was told on Halloween night by two friends of mine that the State of California would start deducting 10% MORE out of everybody's paycheck. This goes for everyone who's employed in California, no matter what the job category. I asked someone at work today about it, and she said she had heard something about it over the radio over the weekend. She thought that the amount of the taxation would depend on how much a person earned. My friends from Halloween had heard it on National Public Radio. After leaving work today, I got right on my cell and called the State Franchise Tax Board, figuring that they would know since they're the ones doing this. I was told that the amount would be a uniform 10.23% out of each paycheck starting with this next one.
This is absolutely outrageous! How any of us will survive, I don't know. I've included in this e-mail a link to a Walter Burien website. I included this for the benefit of those who receive this who have never heard of Burien or his research. He clearly proved that there's no need to tax us at all. Things just keep going from bad to worse.