Massachusetts: Prototype for NWO
Forced entry. Seizure and destruction of your property. Restriction of assembly. Government control of food, clothing, and shelter. Forced isolation.
Straight out of Orwell's 1984, right?
Nope—it's all contained in a bill currently making its way through the Massachusetts legislative system. One that violates our rights with reckless abandon. And I wouldn't be surprised if many more states were to follow.
Basically, once the governor declares a state of emergency (a designation that can be renewed every 90 days, mind you), the government can take any actions deemed "necessary to assure the maintenance of public health and the prevention of disease." And I mean ANY actions. The list provided in the bill takes those rights you enjoy as an American and stomps all over them.
The whole terrifying bill is worth a look, but I'll highlight a few choice bits for you. As if the list I opened with weren't enough, the government of Massachusetts will also be able to:
- imprison you for six months or fine you $1000 if you violate any orders (Lines 124-127).
- take any supplies they want from anyone they want to take them from (Lines 94-96).
- arrest you without a warrant (Lines 480-482).
- require instate healthcare providers to give vaccinations as a condition of the ability to keep functioning as a healthcare provider in Massachusetts (Lines 97-99).
Now, there is some good news. They can't forces residents to be vaccinated!
..But what they can do is force you into quarantine if you refuse to submit to vaccination. An order for isolation may include any individual who refuses vaccination or medical examination, among other invasive actions, if it's determined that this individual "poses a serious danger to public health."
And anyone who assists during this state of emergency can do all of these things with zero liability.
Unfortunately, this isn't just a "worst-case scenario" interpretation of the bill. No, it's all there in black and white. In fact, you can read the whole 28-page list of the ways the state of Massachusetts plans on violating its citizens' rights here. And if it scares you as much as it scares me, let your own state representatives know.
Yours in good health,
Christine O'Brien