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Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons admits he is Powerless against Bank of America

Mark Clarke

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-From: Mark Clarke
To: Governor Jim Gibbons ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Anne and Patrick Bellringer ; [email protected] ; Devvy ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Benjamin Fulford ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Nancy Pelosi ; John E. Potter ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 1:56 PM
Subject: Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons admits he is Powerless against Bank of America
Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons admits he is Powerless against Bank of America

Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is powerless to stop Bank of America and the Federal Reserve from looting the State of Nevada. There are thousands of homeless families and many empty homes and our Governor is unable or unwilling to do anything about it.

His office asks me to contact the Office of the Controller of the Currency. Is this the same office that cannot account for TRILLIONS of US Taxpayer Dollars???

Do you honestly think a $69,335.00 Las Vegas home in the foreclosure capital of the world means anything to the Office of the Controller of the Currency?

Notice how the Governors spokes person Elisabeth Shurtleff did not mention anything about my claims for FRAUD??? I guess Governor Gibbons and the Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto have no interest in pursuing Corporate Crime???

Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons can call out the Nevada National Guard, but he cannot Stop Bank of America from stealing property. We need a better form of Government.


Mark Clarke

1921 Badger Canyon Ave.

North Las Vegas Nevada 89031-1673


I wish to update a previous statement I made. I said no Government Representatives have contacted me concerning this matter. I forgot about a call I received from Senator John Ensigns' staff. I was told: 'The Senator cannot do anything about foreclosures. You will have to contact an attorney."


--- On Wed, 7/1/09, Elisabeth Shurtleff <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Elisabeth Shurtleff <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: Foreclosure

To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>

Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 9:04 AM

Dear Mr. Clarke:


Thank you for e-mailing Governor Gibbons regarding your problems with Bank of America.  We appreciate you sharing your concerns.


Bank of America is not regulated by the State, so our Financial Institutions Division cannot help you with this matter.  I recommend that you immediately file a complaint with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency at or toll-free at 1-800-613-6743.


Otherwise, I recommend that you immediately contact a housing counselor.  Housing counseling services are free, and they may be able to act as an intermediary to explore foreclosure prevention options between you and Bank of America.  For a list of housing counselors and their contact information, visit


You may also obtain foreclosure assistance by dialing 2-1-1 on your phone.  Nevada 2-1-1 is a single, comprehensive statewide provider of information and referrals for Nevadans.  When you call for foreclosure assistance, you will be transferred directly to a trained housing counselor.  Again, as I mentioned above, counselors offer free assistance, which may include helping you navigate the foreclosure process and acting as a facilitator between you and Bank of America.    Nevada 2-1-1 also provides access to basic human services, physical and mental health resources, employment support services, programs for children, youth and families, as well as support for seniors and persons with disabilities.  Nevada 2-1-1 is currently available from 8 a.m. to midnight, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, excluding holidays.


Finally, you may want to attend a foreclosure event in your area.  Visit to see what foreclosure events are taking place in the coming months.


I hope this helps.  Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to address your concerns.

Elisabeth Shurtleff



Elisabeth Shurtleff, Public Information Officer

Department of Business and Industry

555 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 4900

Las Vegas, NV 89101





Authorize: ON

Name:      Mark Clarke

Street:    1921 Badger Canyon Ave


City:      North Las Vegas

State:     Nevada

Zip:       890311673

Phone:     702.436.3236

Email:     [email protected]

Subject:   Forclosure

B1:        Submit your Message/Question




Governor Jim Gibbons ,


Grant Sawyer State Office Building

555 East Washington, Suite 5100

  Las Vegas , NV 89101

(702) 486-2500

Fax: (702) 486-2505

To e-mail Governor Gibbons, click here ...



I am asking for your assistance in this matter. My sons and I are being evicted from our home by Bank of America and their agents American Reality Investments LLC and First Preston Management Inc..



          BANK AMERICA N A



GREENSBORO NC 27410-8110


First Preston Management, Inc.

5040 Addison Circle, Suite 400

Addison , Texas 75001

Telephone: (972) 788-1100 or (800) 934-3009

Fax: (972) 387-2004


American Realty & Investments LLC

6390 W. Cheyenne Ave. # E

Las Vegas , NV 89108


Toll Free: 866-641-3590

Business Phone: 702-641-3590

Business Fax: 702-396-8811



E-Mail: [email protected]


I have written to Bank of America repeatedly requesting information and assistance. Like many homeowners we have been met with silence and no offer of negotiation. Yet they send Private Eviction Companies to throw people out.


The taxpayers have bailed out Bank of America to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars. We see Congressional hearings every day now that plainly show corruption and fraud between Bank of America, Federal Reserve Bank and our Government..


I have continuously notified my public officials of the fraudulent practices of Bank of America and First Preston Management. yet as of this date I have not had ONE contact from my Government Representatives concerning this matter. I have contacted Senator Harry Reid, Senator John Ensign Representative Shelley Berkely Representative Nancy Pelosi and many more...




Who stands up for the people in this mortgage mess? It seems all of the politicians are standing on the side of MONEY and not justice.


I maintain that Bank of America NA filed fraudulent deeds and documents to obtain a deed for this home. When they took over the property they dropped the value to $69, 335.00 and wrote the balance off in December 2008. Now they want to kick me and my children out of our home so they can sell it to make a profit. How sick is that???


I request the State of Nevada investigate the practices of Bank of America NA immediately!. The homeowners need you hear us or not...


Thank you for your time and consideration.




Mark Clarke

1921 Badger Canyon Ave.

North Las Vegas Nevada 89031-1673


[email protected]