War Ignited On Homosexual 'Bonanza'
Chelsea Schilling
May 11, 2009
A coalition of faith-based groups, concerned citizens and leaders is fighting vigilantly to repeal a Washington State measure that would give homosexuals all benefits of traditional couples, often called the "Everything but Marriage Bill."
Referendum 71 was filed May 4 in opposition to Washington's Senate Bill 5688, a 110-page measure that includes the phrase "marriage shall apply equally to state registered domestic partnerships" 180 times. Democrats pushed it through the Senate on a vote of 30-18 and through the House on a 62-35 vote in early March.
Larry Stickney, president of the Washington Values Alliance, is one of many people fighting vigilantly to repeal the legislation. He told WND the bill was designed to bring the issue of same-sex marriage to the courts.
"Our fear is that they will achieve same-sex marriage by judicial fiat," Stickney said. "Our goal is to try to pre-empt what the courts were able to do in California. We don't want to give out courts the chance."
SB 5688 gives homosexual couples public pensions and benefits typically reserved for traditional families, including sick leave to care for homosexual partners, wages and benefits when a partner is injured, unpaid wages upon the death of a partner, along with rights to unemployment and disability insurance benefits, workers' compensation coverage, business succession rights and insurance benefits.
The bill also grants rights to adoption, child custody and child support to same-sex partners.
Stickney said Washington voters cannot simply pass a constitutional amendment limiting marriage to a man and a woman because amendments must be initiated in the state legislature.
"Right now they have a two-thirds Democratic Party majority here," he said. "We're years away from a constitutional amendment, so this is a stop-gap measure from the people. It simply puts SB 5688 to a vote of the people, and this should send a strong message that same-sex marriage is unwanted here."
![]() Larry Stickney, president of Washington Values Alliance |
Stickney told WND Washington's social policy is being driven by several openly homosexual members of the legislature.
"Their values are radical," he said. "People are up in arms here in Washington."
Washington Gov. Chris Gregiore released her own statement indicating that she will sign SB 5688 into law May 18.
"Our state is one that thrives on diversity," Gregoire, a Democrat said. "We have to respect and protect all of the families that make up our communities. I look forward to receiving this bill, and signing it into law."
The bill is scheduled to go into effect July 26, but if 120,577 signatures are collected for Referendum 71, citizens will be given an opportunity to vote to affirm or reject the measure in the 2009 November ballot.
"While it's regrettable that a referendum is being filed to undo the progress we made this session to treat gay and lesbian families the same as married families, I don't believe that voters will decide in November to take away rights from anyone," Sen. Ed Murray D-Seattle, told the Associated Press.
As of the time of this report, there were 5,367 domestic partnership registrations in the state. The designation includes homosexual partners and opposite-sex couples where at least one partner is 62 or older.
Stickney said his group and several others are assembling campaign staff to fight for Referendum 71. For every 20 signatures the group collects, the entire text of the 110-page bill must be printed in its entirety – one of a few hurdles they are confident they can overcome. Faith and Freedom Political Action Committee is accepting donations for the cause.
Stickney said he hoped the battle wouldn't have to come to this, but that homosexual advocates are "causing strife" while the coalition seeks to protect families.
"These folks are devious because there was a lot of stuff put in it just for this reason alone to make it more difficult to run a referendum," he said. "But we're not going to stop. We're charging ahead on this, and we're going to win."
Note: Concerned individuals may e-mail Larry Stickney or find more information on the Values Action website.