'Gay' -Marriage Barrage: 'Follow the Money' (with audio)
May 8, 2009
Maine became the fifth state in the U.S. to legalize same-sex marriage this week when Democrat Gov. John Baldacci signed the bill less than an hour after it cleared the legislature.
However, another battle could be coming this November if opponents follow through on plans to put the issue in voters' hands through a statewide referendum.
"They've overreached in Maine," said Brian Brown, executive director at the National Organization for Marriage.
"I'm very confident that in Maine, proponents of same-sex marriage have completely overreached and what you're going to find is come November, the voters of Maine are going to veto this decision on the part of the legislature and governor," he added.
Brown spoke with Greg Corombos of Radio America/WND. The audio of the exchange is embedded here:
New Hampshire legislators are also sending a same-sex marriage bill to Gov. John Lynch, a Democrat who has questioned the need for such legislation.
"He's said repeatedly that he believes marriage is the union of a man and a woman and the only way to keep his word is to veto this bill," said Brown.
If Lynch does sign, his state will join Maine, Vermont, Connecticut and Massachusetts, which all have laws approving same-sex marriages. That would leave Rhode Island, which has same-sex marriage bills pending in its general assembly. Iowa is the only other state that allows same-sex marriages.
Brown describes the barrage of legislation as the work of "gay" millionaire activists and says you have to "follow the money" to understand why even lawmakers who have previously expressed opposition to same-sex marriage are now onboard.
"It's clear that there's been a long-term plan in place by proponents of same-sex marriage to focus on New England and the Northeast in general.
"And what that means is, they've pumped a lot of out-of-state money into state elections, electing legislators who aren't representing their constituents."
On Tuesday, the District of Columbia voted to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere, but will not issue marriage licenses to "gay" or lesbian couples.
"A lot of these more conservative Democrats ... this is going to be a test ... if they actually believe that marriage is the union of a man and a woman then they need to step up now," said Brown.