Congressman: Iowa Court Confesses to 'Activism'
U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, says his state's Supreme Court actually confessed to being guilty of "activism" in its opinion today paving the way for same-sex "marriage" in the state.
Iowa's high court said same-sex marriages "could begin" in as little as three weeks, joining Massachusetts and Connecticut as the three states formally recognizing homosexual duos.
King was interviewed by Greg Corombos of Radio America/WND about the decision.
"[The opinion] strikes me as very much an activist reach to overturn the will of the people of the state of Iowa," King said. "This turns on its head the entire composition of human history and law."
He called it the "most activist opinion that I have every read."
His interview is embedded here:
Citing the court's boasts about how it had led in the fight against slavery and for women's rights, and equating same-sex "marriage" with those issues, King called the statement "a self-assigned confession of activists."
"It's the will of the people that's supposed to lead the way," he said. "The constitution is not supposed to change unless it's changed by the people."
The ruling should "infuriate" every Iowan, he said. "I don't think Iowans have changed their opinions. If they did they would have changed the law."
Besides the two other states that have endorsed the homosexual effort for full recognition and approval of same-sex "marriages," California's high court imposed a demand for such recognition last year.
However, in November, voters there overruled the court's decision, establishing in the state constitution a definition of marriage limited to one man and one woman.
Procedures in Iowa, however, would prevent any such effort for at least a year or two, officials said.