Economic Stimulus Package: Jindal, Sanford and Barber to Constituents, Drop Dead!
Mary MacElveen
In hearing where politics reigns supreme over the people’s business and where possible presidential bids are starting now coming from the Republican Party, all should be ashamed. Then again, one must have morals to exhibit such emotions.
When it comes stimulus funds, governors like Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana , Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina as well as Gov. Haley Barber of Mississippi are saying to their own constituents, “Drop dead while we play politics.” I heard yesterday that a constituent of Sanford pled his case since he had lost his job and Sanford’s response was, I will pray for you. Often the result which comes from prayers, are actions realized. In this case Sanford is allowing the pain and suffering to continue unabated. That is not leadership but complete arrogance. Also this act is not very Christian like. In my opinion, Christ would have demanded that vanity comes second to helping one’s fellow human being.
Governors such as Arnold Schwarzenegger whose state’s debt simply floors one asked that stimulus money rejected by these governors go to his state. Rock on, Governor Schwarzenegger! After all, California is the eighth largest economy in the world.
I then thought of my state which is dealing with its own budget cuts and want that money. Presently hospitals like Stony Brook Hospital which is an outstanding teaching hospital is facing cuts to burn units as well as other critical services. Those who lay in such utter physical pain scream out for relief.
A neighbor of mine who works in my local high school came home from a meeting the other day citing where numerous teachers not only in our district will be laid off, but surrounding districts as well.
Next year’s senior body in my district’s high school will only have a half-day with no buses to transport them home. They will have to cross a busy road-way, Route 347 which has been targeted as one of the deadliest roadways here on Long Island. For my son’s safety, I want the stimulus money that these governors wish to reject as they say, “Thanks, but no thanks” Sound familiar?
Even Florida’s governor, Charlie Crist is acting like a true statesmen and elected official as he sides with Governor Schwarzenegger. Both realize this is NOT the time for politics, but a time to lead. Both hear the cries coming from those living in their state and on their behalf side with President Barack Obama. Kudos to the both of them.
Both Louisiana and Mississippi are poverty-stricken states and those who have lost their jobs do need this relief instead of being told to drop dead.
In a New York Times editorial today, those who reject this money are on the wrong side of governance as one reads, “About three-quarters of those polled in a recent New York Times/CBS News survey — including more than 60 percent of Republicans — said Mr. Obama has been trying to work with Republicans. And 63 percent said Republicans in Congress opposed the stimulus package primarily for political reasons,”
The most salient point and zinger is found within this editorial as one reads that the governors who reject this stimulus money are, “blowing smoke when they suggest that the federal unemployment aid would lead directly to new state taxes.”
To these Republican governors like Bobby Jindal, Mark Sanford and Haley Barber, keep blowing smoke as you see your state’s fiscal resources go up in flames. Hopefully those who elected you, will certainly remember you were playing politics instead of acting like your state’s CEOs. Then again as CEOs, you must be taking your lessons from those on Wall Street. Shaking head here.
Author’s email address is, [email protected]
This column is copywrited by the author. Should you wish to use any portion of it, please contact the author for permission.
Author's Website: http://www.marymacelveen.com
Author's Bio: I am a writer who currently writes pieces for my own blog http://www.marymacelveen.com I have been published by Buzzflash.com, Legitgov.org, TheLiberalPatriot.org and MikeHersh.com. I was a guest on the Jay Diamond Radio Show on WRKO in Boston and have appeared on CNN. I have done numerous web broadcasts for sites such as RadioLeft.com, TVNewsLies.org and FranklySpeakingRadio.com.