Iowa National Guard Rolls Back Arcadia Invasion
Kurt Nimmo
According to Drew Zahn, writing for WorldNetDaily, the Iowa National Guard has “scaled back” its “training exercise” planned for April in Arcadia, Iowa, population 443.
Military spokesman Lt. Col. Greg Hapgood, told Zahn and WND that the operation has now been “scaled back” and no longer involves an “invasion” of Arcadia. “And while Hapgood confirmed the Guard had been inundated with objections from citizens concerned about soldiers patrolling the streets of an American town, he said most came from people out of state and unfamiliar with the operation. Iowans, he explained, typically cooperate with the Guard. The change in plans was based on troop evaluation, he said, not public outcry.”
On Friday, Alex Jones dedicated a large portion of his radio show to talking about the National Guard invasion of the small Iowa town. An undetermined number of listeners responded by contacting officials, including the National Guard, demanding the “exercise” be called off. Callers to the show indicated they would go to Arcadia in April and protest against the four-day urban military operation, described by the National Guard as a mock scenario designed to give soldiers the skills needed for deployment in an urban environment. Part of the invasion included searching houses. Alex Jones also announced he planned to travel to Arcadia and protest the operation.
“Higher headquarters leadership,” Hapgood told WND, “given the unit’s status of training proficiency, made a decision to scale back the exercise.”
It is fair to say Alex Jones and his audience are responsible in large part for the “scaled back” plans. In predictable fashion, the corporate media ignored the story and instead concentrated on frivolous topics such as octoplet mother Nadya Suleman and a supposed racist cartoon published in the New York Post.