The Chicago Presidency
"If Illinois isn't the most corrupt state in the United States, it's certainly one hell of a competitor."
- Robert Grant, head of FBI's Chicago office
commenting on Blagojevich investigation, Dec. 9, 2008
Chicago's leading politicians, like peas in a pod: Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama, and Mayor Richard Daley. Obama, Blagojevich, Daley, and Bill Clinton were all managed by the Israeli son-of-a-terrorist, Rahm Emanuel.
The first Chicago-based administration in history has not even been inaugurated yet and already the corruption of the Windy City has taken center stage. The previous governor is trying to get a presidential pardon to get out of jail while the current governor is caught trying to benefit financially by selling Barack Obama’s vacant seat in the U.S. Senate. How typical. Like an Israeli tyrant, Mayor Daley sent bulldozers in at night to destroy the runway of Meigs Field on the lakefront, when he couldn't get his way to close the airport.

Obama has long and close ties with Blagojevich.
Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker magazine reported that Barack Obama received "his first high-level experience in a statewide campaign" while advising Rod Blagojevich during his campaign for governor. Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) said that Barack Obama was a "top strategist" for Gov. Blagojevich’s first gubernatorial campaign.
Rahm Emanuel is the Israeli gangster behind all of these corrupt Chicago politicians. "He and Obama 'participated in a small group that met weekly when Rod was running for governor,' Emanuel said. "We basically laid out the general election, Barack and I and these two."
Rahm Emanuel, the Israeli son-of-a-terrorist, has been a key player and adviser behind Blagojevich, Obama, Daley, and Bill Clinton.
A current poll in the Guardian newspaper (U.K.) has 80 percent of respondents saying that Illinois is the most corrupt state in the United States. Yes, most readers say, "the state is rotten to the core." Indeed it is.
I could tell them something about corruption in Illinois. Not a day passes that I don't think, at least once, about the corruption in Chicago's Cook County. It's not because I live there, as I used to, and see the effects of corruption every day; in my case it's because I don't live there and my children ask me every day when they can go home. They don't want to go to Florida or Switzerland. They only want to go home. I can't blame them; kids have a right to be in their homes.
The Bollyn kids in their front yard shortly before the police attack; the Bollyn family was one of the founding families of Hoffman Estates.
I explain to them that I can't go back to Illinois. That is where three out-of-uniform undercover police maliciously TASERed me and broke my elbow in front of my wife and daughter in our front yard. That is where I was maliciously prosecuted for allegedly assaulting three heavily-armed and armor-clad tactical officers and resisting arrest as they knelt on my head and tortured me with a TASER while I was handcuffed and pinned to the ground. Illinois is where the same police obviously and blatantly lied on the stand and produced fabricated testimony to obtain a guilty verdict against me. In Illinois, I would have to face a sentence of a year in the notorious Cook County jail. I can't go back to Illinois; I don't negotiate with criminals and terrorists.

Bollyn after getting the "Chicago treatment" from 3 undercover police in Hoffman Estates, a suburb which is run by Chicago gangsters. Bollyn ran as the local anti-corruption candidate in Hoffman Estates in 2001 and has repeatedly exposed vote fraud in Cook County. The powers that be paid him back.
That's why I am very glad to hear that the governor of Illinois has been busted. CNN reports that Gov. Blagojevich even knew his calls were being tapped, but he carried on trying to make a deal. He doesn't think he was doing anything wrong, you see. In Chicago, after all, that is the way things are done. I hope that the investigation goes much deeper and roots out the web of corruption that has long controlled the state of Illinois, especially Cook County. Then, maybe, the Bollyn family can go home.

The Bollyn family shortly after the police assault in Cook County...
and at a family reunion in North Dakota two weeks earlier.
Note: Barack Obama contributed to Hillary Clinton.
On August 1, 2008, Barack and Michelle Obama made a strange contribution to Hillary Clinton of $4,600, according to OpenSecrets.org. Obama's contribution is noted thusly; take note of his spelling: OBAMA, BARACK; CHICAGO, IL 60615; US SENTATE/SENETOR; 7/31/08; $4,600 (to) Clinton, Hillary (D). What is this? What school did he go to?