DANTE'S INFERNO: While Los Angeles Burned
Ernesto Cienfuegos - La Voz de Aztlan
A majestic church steeple and cross with ferocious Los Angeles firestorm behind.
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SODOMITE RALLY Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa with openly homosexual LA City Councilman Bill Rosendahl on the steps of City Hall while the city burned, |
The behavior of Mayor Villaraigosa, as well as that of Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina, is becoming of increasing concern for the area's huge Mexican-American electorate which is predominantly Catholic and Christian. In May of 2004, Supervisor Gloria Molina conspired with a group of nefarious Talmudic Jews and "deleted" a small Christian cross that was part of the "Official Seal of the County of Los Angeles." Today, recent US citizens of Mexican descent that have just started to vote are seriously questioning the actions of these "pocho" leaders. The action to unnecessarily remove the cross from the county seal cost Los Angeles county taxpayers millions of dollars. The old "Official Seal of the County of Los Angeles" perfectly depicted our Mexican history and heritage in the region but Molina betrayed us to the Jews just as Villaraigosa is betraying us to the sodomites.
There is no doubt that many homes could have been saved from the firestorm if only Mayor Villaraigosa would have acted more quickly and had not wasted time with the sodomites. The firestorm was the worst ever witnessed by seasoned firefighters. They however struggled without adequate resources which the mayor failed to provide. This was made clear through Television while seeing how adjoining Orange County battled their fires. In this case, thousands of homes were saved through the quick deployment of "fire retardant" dropping DC-7's and other large fixed wing airplanes. These planes were dropping tons of "fire retardants" per hour, something that did not occur in Los Angeles.
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A disgusting bride at the Mayor Villaraigosa Sodomite Rally |
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A homosexual demon-strator at the Mayor Villaraigosa Sodomite Rally |
The situation here in Los Angeles on Friday night. Saturday and Sunday was hellish and one could not help but think of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as described in the Old Testament of the Bible. Thanks to excellent and courageous Television news coverage, often from helicopters, the viewer could witness homes literally exploding from the intense heat of the firestorm propelled by 75 miles per hour winds. Newscasters were reporting burning embers the size of baseballs dropping from the sky just like those that destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The terms Sodomy and Sodomites comes from the root word "Sodom". The abominable practices of the inhabitants of the city of Sodom is the one reason God (Allah) destroyed it. For further information on this historic event consult Genesis 19:24-25 of the Old Testament of the Bible.
La Voz de Aztlan also recommends that our readers pick up a copy of "Dante's Inferno: The Divine Comedy." Dante's Inferno is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri of Venice, Italy around 1315. It is a virtual tour through Hell, Purgatory and ultimately Paradise (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso). Of relevance to this article is Dante's description of how the Sodomites are punished forever in hell. The Sodomites are condemned to suffer in the Inner Ring of the Seventh Circle. This region of hell is guarded by the demon Minotaur and is inhabited by the violent against God (Blasphemers), the violent against nature (Sodomites), and the violent against order (Usurers). All three groups reside in a desert of flaming sand with fiery embers raining from the sky.