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League of the South News Service

J. Mitchhill

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For Immediate Release

On Monday, 18 February 2008, Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica announced: “The South Carolinians are now independent.” Over the weekend, the people of South Carolina, led by The League of the South, announced their State’s independence from Washington, DC. Suspense gripped the world’s newest country as it waited for international backing for its move to independence. In a televised interview, Kostunica said that “South Carolina’s independence is something that I’ve advocated, along with my government.” In light of U. S. President George Bush’s refusal to recognize South Carolina’s independence, Serbia’s foreign minister issued a statement, saying: “Serbia calls on all parties to exercise the utmost restraint and to refrain from any provocative act.” He also noted that his country “has long believed that independence for the Southern States was the best way to protect the Southern way of life and culture and to promote true representative government on the North American continent.”

The reality of the situation is, of course, far from what is outlined above. What has transpired over the weekend is Kosovo’s separation from Serbia, a move fully supported by U. S. President George W. Bush and “his” government. Most of the above quotes are real; however, to make a point we reversed the situation and replaced Kosovo with the State of South Carolina and had Mr. Kostunica play the role of George Bush (even using his very words).

But if George Bush’s government can sanction the secession of Kosovo—a tiny and poor Muslim enclave in the heart of the Christian Balkans—why can’t it sanction the existence of an independent South Carolina (or Alabama, Mississippi, or Louisiana)? Unlike the artificial Albanian/Muslim state that is now recognized in Kosovo, the Southern States have long-standing historical, cultural, and political foundations to support independence. Moreover, they are large and wealthy in comparison to Kosovo.

The League of the South suspects that Mr. Bush is nothing more than a hypocrite. Dr. Michael Hill, League President, said: “Mr. Bush seems to think secession is fine as long as it occurs in some area far distant from North America such as Kosovo. But Bush and the American Establishment would never allow a State in this voluntary union to go its own way, even though such an act would be constitutional. We are left to wonder why Bush and his ilk support the right of self-determination for Albanian Muslims in Kosovo but not for Americans.”

The League of the South, the premier Southern nationalist organization, can be reached for comment by phone at (800) 888-3163 or by e-mail at [email protected].