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Oklahoma HB 1804 Repeal? Here Is How You Can Help

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A preliminary examination of the introduced bills in the 2008 Session of the Oklahoma House of Representatives has revealed an egregious attempt to undermine H.B. 1804, the Citizen and Taxpayer Protection Act of 2007, also known as the immigration reform bill.

House Bill 2445, , authored by Rep. David Braddock, (D-52), contains language repealing virtually all the content of H.B. 1804.

This is a bad bill and it must be stopped.

In 2007, the citizens of Oklahoma spoke overwhelmingly in support H.B. 1804 and it passed by a veto-proof majority of legislators. It was signed into law by Governor Brad Henry last April and is considered model legislation for other states addressing the same issues of the economic impact of illegal immigration.

H.B. 1804 is the law of Oklahoma and it is the will of the people to support its provisions. We're asking your support in opposing all efforts to undermine or weaken this law.

Please notify your state representatives TODAY to express your concerns with H.B. 2445. This bill must be stopped dead in its tracks.

Representative David Braddock may be reached at [email protected], or by phone at (405) 557-7369.

To locate your state representative, visit the Oklahoma House website at . Please keep all correspondence to your legislators courteous and to the point.

Thank you.


House District 52 Map:

Text of HB 2445: