US-China Proxy War For Global Mineral Wealth Leaves Thousands Dead
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
In what Russian Military Analysts are reporting is but a “foretaste to come” of the much larger battles to be fought over our World’s last few remaining natural resources, the United States and China have engaged in “open warfare” for the first time leaving an estimated 3,000 innocents dead in the West African Nation of Guinea which has the World's largest bauxite reserves and is the biggest exporter of bauxite ore.
Note: Bauxite is the ore from which aluminum is produced. It is refined to produce alumina, which is further processed to make aluminum which is a remarkable metal highly prized for its ability to resist corrosion due to the phenomenon of passivation and which without no industrial Nation can economically survive the 21st Century.
According to these reports, the United States had secured a “secret” agreements with Guinean President Lansana Conté and Guinea’s President of the National Assembly Aboubacar Somparé this past November (2008) for the ‘sole and exclusive’ rights to that Nations vast bauxite mineral wealth for Western mining giant Rio Tinto Group, the fourth-largest publicly listed mining company in the World.
China, however, upon their learning of this “agreement in principal” between the US and Guinea for this vital mineral, these reports continue, financed and launched what is now known as the “Christmas Coup” which resulted in the assassination of President Conté and the takeover of Guinea by a military junta headed by Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, and who upon taking power announced to his Nation, “the government and the institutions of the Republic have been dissolved”.
Russian GRU resources operating within Guinea report that upon the takeover of the government by Captain Camara, the American CIA began “organizing” opposition forces which led to a series of massive protests that culminated this past September when over 50,000 protesters gathered at their Nations largest soccer stadium (built by China) and were promptly fired upon by military forces loyal to the junta and resulted in over 3,000 deaths. (Note: Official
The West’s fury over this massacre led Karel De Gucht, the European Union's aid chief, to say that Captain Camara should stand trial for a “crime against humanity” and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to call the killings ‘criminality of the greatest degree”.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) based in the Netherlands also announced it has opened an investigation into this massacre with the office of Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the ICC prosecutor, saying in a statement: “A preliminary examination of the situation has been immediately initiated in order to determine whether crimes falling under the Court's jurisdiction have been perpetrated.”
More ominously for Captain Camara and his junta are Russian Military reports stating that French, British and American warships are presently “in route” towards West African with France issuing today an “immediate order” for all of its citizens to leave Guinea as threats of conflict and violence appear to be reaching a climax.
China though, these reports continue, appears to have usurped the West by this mornings announcement that they, not the Americans or its European allies, now control Guinea’s vast mineral wealth, and as we can read:
Being lost upon the American people as the battle for our World’s mineral wealth starts to go “hot” is the fact that as the US Dollar continues its plunge into the “abyss of history”, the “true wealth” of any Nation seeking to survive this Century lies in commodities, not soon to be worthless paper currency. And, perhaps, best articulated by the Asia Times News Service in their report titled When money is worthless, and which, in part, says:
Worse still for the Americans and Europeans in their quest for our Planets mineral wealth is that aside from “losing” Africa due to the “massive invasion” of workers, money and military support from China and its Asian neighbors into the Continent, they are also about to lose South America, particularly Bolivia which holds the “key to survival” for every 21st Century technology driven Nation due to their vast untapped reserves of lithium and uranium, and which nuclear armed Brazil has vowed to protect “at all costs” from the West.
Note: Bolivia holds over half of the World’s lithium reserves which is the vital metal needed for the production of batteries used in electric vehicles and desperately needed by Western Nations seeking to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and eliminate greenhouse gasses they say has led to Global Warming.
So determined is Brazil to defend South America from the Americans and Europeans (who have exploited this Continent for centuries for the enrichment of their own pockets while leaving in their wake too much poverty and too many military dictatorships to count) that upon Brazilian President Lula da Silva’s warm greeting of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the UN this past month, inviting him to Brazil, and defending Iran’s right to nuclear power, Western diplomats were left in “shock” as they watched their once great power over Latin America, and perhaps their own futures, fade into history.
But to the worst outcome of all of these events, and the more horrific ones still to come, are the American people (who by all appearances have descended from rationality into outright insanity) were celebrating this week their Dow Jones stock market hitting 10,000 points, the US taxpayer bailed out banking giant JPMorgan reporting $3.5 Billion in profits, and the criminal enterprise known as Goldman Sachs reporting that they are now so flush with US taxpayer money and profits from mafia style interest rates and banking fees they are ready to pay out to their bankers over $16.7 Billion in bonuses.
All occurring at the exact same time that the US is reporting record numbers of its citizens are declaring bankruptcy, home foreclosures just experienced their “worst three months of all time”, their Federal Reserve is reporting that their “real” unemployment rate is over 16%, and newly released reports by the US Government itself warn that (in their words, not ours) that America is facing a “Fiscal Doomsday”.
And in the most outrageous affront to the economically shaken American people are newly released US government reports showing that their US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has spent more time talking to bankers than US Congress leaders, while at the same time his aides, employees of the American taxpayers mind you, have been racking in millions of dollars in bonuses from Wall Street.
With all of these events now accelerating to what can only be its brutal and bloody conclusion, one can only wonder if the words of the great American and French Revolutionary writer Thomas Paine are going to be heard once again in
Are You Ready? You’d Better Be!
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]