Thank Sens. Durbin & Udall for re-affirming settlements are an obstacle to peace
Just Foreign Policy
Thank Sens. Durbin & Udall for re-affirming settlements are an obstacle to peace.
Illinois Senator Dick Durbin has blocked a Senate resolution that would condemn UN Security Council Resolution 2334 against Israeli settlements in the West Bank. New Mexico Senator Tom Udall has said that if Senator Durbin were to lift his hold, Senator Udall would place his own hold. [1]
Thank Senator Durbin and Senator Udall for standing up for peace by signing our petition at MoveOn.
Thanks for all you do to help make U.S. foreign policy more just,
Robert Naiman, Avram Reisman, and Sarah Burns
Just Foreign Policy
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1. http://forward.com/fast-forward/361245/dick-durbin-blocks-senate-move-to-condemn-un-resolution-on-israeli-settleme/
2016 Just Foreign Policy