He's Not Dead!" 'Shoot Him in the Head"
After Thursday’s execution of a wounded young Palestinian man and his friend (who bled to death), was captured on tape, many details started emerging, including the involvement of an Israeli military medic in the crime.
In one of the videos that captured this extrajudicial assassination of the already seriously wounded, completely incapacitated Palestinian, the sound of an Israeli colonialist settler, who is also a medic and a cameraman, could be heard saying, “He is not dead… shoot him in the head.”
The second video shows an Israeli soldier executing the wounded Palestinian, Abdul-Fattah Sharif, with a gunshot to the head, after conspiring with an Israeli colonialist settler to drive his van forward to block surveillance cameras and prevent onlookers from documenting the crime. The soldiers and settler did not see the Palestinian who was filming from an upstairs window.
The Israeli medics did not attempt any first aid on the two Palestinians, leaving one of them to bleed to death and executing the other.
Issa Amro, the coordinator of the Youth against Settlements Coalition, said what happened “is clear proof that the Israeli soldiers and the medics conspire and cooperate in executing the Palestinians.”
“The fanatic Israeli colonialist settler medic, Ofer Yohanna, appeared in many videos prior to this incident, constantly delaying any medical help to wounded Palestinians,” Amro added, “This is what also happened in the cases of Hadeel Hashlamoun and the Sa’id al-Atrash, who were both killed, and Yasmeen az-Zaro, who was injured.”
He added that the Palestinians are now also suspecting that Israeli medics have killed wounded Palestinians, while transporting them in ambulances, including the case of Tareq Natsha, who did not suffer a serious injury, but died in an Israeli ambulance.”
“Such incidents show the mutual roles between the soldiers, medics, police and the settlers,” Amro said, “They seem to be implementing orders from higher up in the government and leadership, to assassinate wounded Palestinians.”
He added that the investigations conducted by the Israeli army are inaccurate and cannot be fair, because the military should not be allowed to investigate itself. He says this is especially true in this case, where the investigators and the culprit soldiers are colleagues, often serving together.
“They protect each other; these investigations are not fair, and are not transparent, while the outcome of such investigation cannot be trusted,” Amro added, “One of these cases in Hadeel al-Hashlamoun. The army admitted that the soldiers could have arrested her, instead of killing her, as she did not pose any direct threat, yet, she was shot with more than 15 live rounds.” No soldier was charged with any misconduct in the case.
Amro called on the international community to hold Israel accountable for its crimes, since there have been many extra-judicial executions over the past five months, and urged Palestinians to continue to document all conducts of the army, especially since those videos have been proven to be very effective in exposing Israeli crimes.
It is worth mentioning that dozens of extremist Israeli colonialist settlers marched, on Sunday at night, calling on the Israeli government to release the soldier who executed Abdul-Fattah Sharif last Thursday in Hebron.
They gathered in Tal Romeida neighborhood, in the center of Hebron city, while chanting racist slogans, including “Death to Arabs”. They demanded the unconditional release of the soldier.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted on Sunday to the shooting of a wounded Palestinian at point-blank range in the southern occupied West Bank city of Hebron earlier this week, stating that any questioning of the Israeli army’s moral integrity was “outrageous and unacceptable.”