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Neo-Colonialism, Subversion in Africa and Global Conflict

Dr. Christof Lehmann- nsnbc

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The withdrawal of the old colonial powers from Africa, in the context of a developing cold war, (1), a developing Pan-African Nationalism (2), and the rising cost of maintaining a colonial administration system, during the nineteen-hundred and sixties left the African nations in a euphoric state of independence. In most cases this euphoria was soon to be substituted by chocking massacres and conflict, coup d´etats unrest and destabilization. The old colonial rulers had returned with a vengeance. Over fifty years later, most African nations are, in spite of the richness of their resources and productivity of their population, still catastrophically under developed, impoverished, endebbed, plagued by conflict, unrest and instability due to the return of the colonial powers influence. Those African nations who failed to comply with their returning rulers were and are mercilessly attacked. Libya and the Ivory Coast are examples for the new colonizations subversive influence, and a warning for African leaders to face the lion in solidarity or be devoured one by one.

 Common Denominators.

All conflicts in post-colonial African wars as well as internal unrest have the same common elements. The involvement of foreign nations, the instrumentalization of local elements, and the goal to control resources, economy, and geopolitically as well as strategically significant locations. Western Medias narrative of French, British, and US-American involvement in Africa is commonly manufacturing popular consent by eliciting a fabled advocacy for stability, human rights, and democracy for African countries; nothing could be farther from the truth. Stability, human rights and democracy are but the pretext for aggressive neo-colonial subversion, invasion, long-term military presence and control. This subversion and invasion has acquired an additional dimension after China began to invest massively on the African continent. While the traditional colonial powers and the USA maintained the traditional role of the supremacist usurper, China is, though resource, trade and profit oriented, taking an approach of joint ventures and contribution to the development of African Nations infrastructure (3). After all, the Chino-African model of free market enterprise and joint venture can not function if African nations don´t develop to such degree that they can import consumer goods that are manufactured in China. Thus, since China began investing interests in Africa, the traditional colonial powers and the USA´s subversions and aggressions began being directed against primarily China, and secondarily Russia, which is recently re-discovering it´s strength as a global power, after a period of restructuring and re-consolidation after the collapse of the USSR (4).

 The neo-colonial model of subversion is based on directing and co-opting local instruments, such as opposition parties, human rights organizations, an ongoing internal low intensity conflict, as well as expatriate communities, expatriates sponsored and with ties to i.e. the National Endowment for Democracy, and other Institutes, NGO´s and Organizations that are notorical for their involvement in subversions (5). These systems interface with both civilian and military intelligence services and special operations forces, in a logical, systematic approach that invariably has the same outcome; the subversion of the country, and the installation of a controlled, friendly, or proxy government. Precisely the same methodology is explained in an analysis of the subversion of Syria that began with the “Arab Spring” in 2011 (6). A successful subversion without the co-conspiracy of local elements is neither viable nor desirable. A U.S. Training Manual for Unconventional Warfare is breaking such terms as feasibility for subversion down into operational details (7). The co-opting of local opposition in African subversions has been an invariable part of neo-colonial strategy since day one of neo-colonialism, when the Congolese Government and Patrice Lumumba were overthrown by creating and aggravating internal tensions, and the financial, as well as covert military support of an armed insurgency with it´s basis in a local militia (8). The function of any of these subversions is invariably the controlling of resources and wealth while keeping the African Nations impoverished and endebbed, and since the beginning of the rapid development of China´s economy, the geopolitical as well as economical warfare on Russia and China.

Mercenary Armies in Colonial Warfare and Al Qaeda.

Abdelhakim Belhadj LIFG

The use of local instruments in subversions has largely been based on either tribal or religious aspects. A prime example of this strategy is Angola. After the Socialist MPLA, backed by Cuba and the USSR came to power in Angola, the Western Block, read NATO countries, began building and supporting two alternative movements, the NFLA in Northern, and UNITA in Southern Angola. Both the NFLA and UNITA were based on the same charter, but were divided by tribal affiliation (9). In the case of Afghanistan, the USA and NATO countries heavily supported what was then called “Mujahedeen”, and a CIA-run network of Arab mercenaries, which came to become known as Al-Qaeda (10). The same network of mainly Arab and Afghan mercenaries was used by NATO in the war on Serbia, and the conquering of Kosovo (11), and the same network has been used against Libya by Western Intelligence Services for decades, and it is currently delivering the core of the so called “rebels” in Libya (12). How NATO is using this “network” or Al Qaeda, depending on what function it is supposed to fulfill in a given operation, as respectively purported enemy or ally is elicited by a West Point Study (13), that shows that the same Al Qaeda Terrorist Network in Bengazi and Derna, Libya, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, delivered the greatest per capita contribution of foreign fighters against the USA in Iraq, while the same LIFG is now providing the core around which among other, CIA imported Afghan Fighters (14) are installed in the theater of operations in the occupation of Libya.

At the onset of what is generally termed “The Arab Spring” in Libya, US-President Barak Obama signed an order, designating CIA operatives to the eastern Libyan cities Derna and Bengazi, in preparation of the final stages of the covert, and the beginning stages of the overt subversion of the Libyan Government (15) . Publicly, Obama sent the CIA operatives to “analyze” the rebel forces. This analysis however, had been done in the West Point Study (ibid.) long before, and knowing about how intelligence operations are performed, was part of the step by step strategy for subversion, explained in the TC18-01 Unconventional Warfare manual (ibid.). The military leader of the Al Qaeda fraction Libyan Islamic Fighting group was re labeled “rebels” and not long time after into the Tripoli Military Counsel (16). Meanwhile, the Corporate Western Media villanized and positioned Muammar Ghadafi and the Libyan Government as dictatorial villains, that indiscriminately bombed “peaceful protesters” while it´s Al Qaeda and Associated Army of Mercenaries, and the political proxies Mahmud Jibril, Jalil, and a cohort of “anonymous “politicians” of the Transitional National Counsel were made into the heroes of the Libyan Revolution. The manufacturing of consent by media is one invariable element of warfare. The manufacturing of a quasi legitimate new government is an invariable element of neo-colonial strategy, as it can be observed on the example of the manufacturing of the National Counsel of Syria, which is in NATO´s sights too (17). The main obstacle for the advance of neo-colonialism on the African Continent has never been Al Qaeda, but Muammar Ghadafi, the Libyan Government, as well as Laurent Gbagbo of Ivory Coast, and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.

Do Africans really know what a Supreme Court is.

In Ivory Coast, the situation was not unlike the one in Libya. Ivory Coast held a Presidential Election, with an apparently very close outcome. In Western Corporate Media all we hear is, that the Electoral Commission of Ivory Coast had declared Outara the winner of the elections. What Western Media failed to report was, that there had been wide spread election fraud, that the President of Ivory Coast and his party took the election results to the supreme court, and that the supreme court declared Laurent Gbagbo the winner of the election and thus Laurent Gbagbo to be the lawful President Elect of Ivory Coast. What was reported, and emphatically reported, was that “security forces” clamp down on “peaceful protesters”, and then, that “Outara´s Army” is cornering Gbagbo “in his bunker”(18) . This news Coverage and manufacturing of Consent is only possible in populations that are inherently racist and traditional or neo-colonial powers (19). The important question is, where did Outara, who just claimed to have won the election, gotten an “Army” from. Unless a population is so used to condescending racism and colonialist thinking, one would immediately say, but the electoral commission is not the one to approve of election results, it´s the Supreme Court. Not so, if the audience is inherently racist, and inherently thinking in a way typical for colonial powers; condescending towards the wild and uncivilized African (ibid.). To illustrate the point on a Western Example. When George Bush and Al Gore had the closest ever election held in the United States of America (20), who certified the election? The Supreme Court (21). Even though many Americans felt utterly disenfranchised, the population respected the Supreme Court. Can you for one moment imagine that “Al Gore cornered Bush in his bunker, with Al Gore´s Army, neglecting the Supreme Court, because an Electoral Commission had pronounced him the winner ? “ Where would Al Gore have gotten an Army from anyways. What happened in Ivory Coast was, that France and the United States backed Outara at neglecting the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Counsel of Ivory Coast because the Supreme Court decided in favor of Laurent Gbagbo and not the Proxy President of Noe-Colonialism in Africa.

Laurent Gbagbo

Where did Outara get an Army from? Outara´s “Army” consisted of a collection of “rebel forces” or French backed insurgents from the Northern part of Ivory Coast, who had been convinced by the French DGSE (22) and old colonial power structures, inherent in among other French Freemasonry in Africa, to side with Outara, against Laurent Gbagbo (23). Besides that, 2.500 French soldiers (24), plus U.N. Soldiers (25) were present, taking actively part in the ousting of Laurent Gbagbo, and the legitimate government of Ivory Coast. That is where Outara got “His Army” from. Insurgents, French and U.N. Troops were Outara´s Army. (26) An army that murdered thousands of Ivory Coast´s citizens in the neo-colonial post-modern coup d´etat. Justice on Laurent Gbagbo is then served at the United Nation´s ICC making the U.N., France and the USA the judge, the jury, and the executioner.(27)

So “why” had France to remove Gbagbo from Office.

The question that needs to be answered, before it is possible to discern why the events in Ivory Coast and Libya as they do is “why” did the USA and France want Laurent Gbagbo and Ghadafi removed from political office. The unrests, the engineering of dissent, the alliances with armed militia, politicians and oligarchs are nothing but “functions” and “instruments”. It is comparable with a script for a play in the world political theater; the script is written, the acts planned, long before the cast of actors is chosen. The discourse of political reporting, and the manufacturing of opinion discuss the cast, seldom the play writer, almost never the play writers motivation, and that is one of the most critical functions of media with respect to social engineering. It is absolutely necessary to have an understanding of this background to understand the subversions in Ivory Coast and Libya. After World War II the European Economies were scrambling to reconstitute. So was that of France, which devised long term plans for economical recovery in several phases. The traditional form of colonial control by military might and absolute political control had, in spite of the richness of African resources, become too costly, to cumbersome, and in the light of the depletion of military force due to two major conflicts, become impossible. What is also noteworthy is, that the post-war period also is the period where the development of media and Public Relations significantly began substituting police and military force as instruments for social control (28).

Laurent Gbagbo had discussions with other visionary African leaders who not only knew that the new-colonization of Africa was keeping African nations impoverished and virtually enslaved, it´s citizens being the back bone of new colonial powers economy, but who had vision, courage, and integrity in resisting the usurpers of Europe, the USA, and globalized Corporate Influences. Most prominently, Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, and Muammar al-Ghadafi, honorary leader of the Libyan Revolution. One of the main reasons why Laurent Gbagbo had to be replaced by France, and replaced fast, was that Gbagbo was not only seriously working towards creating Ivory Coasts own currency, that would be independent on France, but that he, like Robert Mugabe and Muammar Ghadafi, actively lobbied and encouraged other African nations in the CFA region to follow suit (29). The main reason why France “never would allow this to happen” in one of it´s old colonies is, that the CFA is one of the main sources of income for the French economy. Not only does France control the value of the CFA, and thus how much it earns on trade with CFA nations, not only does France cooperate with the IMF on regular devaluations of the CFA (30), France is printing the money for and exerts absolute control over the eight African countries economy.

More over, the monetary policy of France in governing the eight nations economy is in fact operated by the French Treasury, without any reference to the central fiscal authorities of any of these eight nations. Under the terms of the CFA Agreement, it is France that is unilaterally setting up these African nations Central Banks, and each of the eight countries is obliged to keep at least 65 % of it´s foreign exchange reserves in an “operations account” held at the French Treasury, as well as another 20% to cover financial liabilities (31). In other words, 85 % of all foreign exchange reserves of Ivory Coast, Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bisau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo are 100 % under control of the French Treasury, with France in a position to devalue and manipulate these countries economy to it´s own advantage. The CFA was created to keep African nations impoverished, to maintain the plunder of their resources and wealth, while feeding the French and European Economy (32). The social unrest that follows in the wake of new devaluations (33), is then hard handedly oppressed by those “African Vice Roy´s” that are nepotist enough to co-operate with France as agents of their own nations and peoples enslavement. Laurent Gbagbo opposed the colonial master because Laurent Gbagbo was working for the benefit of his people and Ivory Coast; That is why Laurent Gbagbo had to be removed.

So why did the Sun Kings of Europe and the USA hate Ghadafi.

Colonialism in Africa has changed significantly since the USA entered African Politics after world war two, and very significantly, with the consolidation of the European Union. While France has particular national interests in the CFA region, most of Southern Europe’s states are working towards an expansion of the European Market to the Mediterranean Basin, and a new colonization by means of economic control and military presence in Northern Africa. Seldom mentioned in the corporate media, the Royal Family of Morocco is a stern supporter of this policy. Cooperation on multiple areas, such as the control of the Mediterranean Basin States Social Economy (34) have been implemented for years.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy made it his personal ambition to achieve what even Napolean did not , a colonization of the entire Northern and Western African Continent. In 2008 France and the European Union had been so far in their preparations, that the only remaining obstacle for it´s North African Colonial Ambitions was Libya, and Libya outright rejected to play into the hands of the want to be colonialists. When asked for his opinion about the Mediterranean Basin alliance, Muammar Ghadafi said: “If Europe wants co-operation, it should go through Cairo and Adis Abeba”. (35) In 2008, President Sarkozy wanted to make the Mediterranean Alliance his contribution to the European Union, and during the six months of the French E.U. Presidency (ibid.) French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner did not only convey Sarkozy´s “disappointment”, but clearly indicated that Libya and Ghadafi had become “the” obstacle for further colonial expansion in Northern Africa, when he stated that “ Colonel Ghadafi is not in agreement with this vision. Neither was he in agreement with the Barcelona process which we intend to support and pursue”(ibid.).

The reason why Libya opposed the Mediterranean Alliance was, that it would have split, rather than united African Nations. Rather than establishing one more “zone” like the CFA Region in Northern Africa, Ghadafi and Libya were lobbying the African Union to abandon the CFA treaties with France, and to establish a Pan-African, gold backed currency, which would end the usury, the robbery of African nations ressources, and the enslavement of an entire continents population. The Libyan arguments were persuasive. Libya had the highest per capita GDP, the highest standard of living, social services, wages, job security, education program, litteracy rate, and countless other “firsts” among African Nations. After Ghadafi´s and Libya´s out right rejection of the Mediterranean Alliance (ibid.) and success at lobbying for a Pan-African currency, with among other Laurent Gbagbo from Ivory Coast meant, that the USA and Europe had only one option left, to topple the Libyan Government by any means necessary.

The Myth of an African Union.

To understand the full range of the problem Libya created, it is necessary what the African Union (AU) is. The African Union was established in 2002 by member states of the former Organization of African Unity (OAU). The OAU was established in 1963 with the function to facilitate African Nations transition to independence, to counter all forms of colonialism, and protect the independence and national integrity of African Nations (36). The transition from the OAU to the African Union in 2002 was nothing else but the European Union´s co-opting the only forum that actively lobbied against neo-colonialism, and substitute it with an African Union, that is modeled over the European Union (37). The African Union is, but the new colonial administration of a now united Europe.

With approximately one third of the entire budget of the African Union paid for by the European Union, as alms to Africa, taken from the money that is usurped from Africa, the African Union is but the European Union´s Colonial Administration. An African Court of Justice (38) modeled over the ICC, an African Investment Bank, an African Development Bank, and an African Central Bank, managed by Europe, for Europe and the USA (39), and global Finance Capital (40). The African Union did not “cower in the light of pressure from the E.U” (41) as some interpreted it´s support of UNSC Resolution 1973 (42), the African Union strictly spoken functioned exactly as it was designed to do; as an instrument for the new colonization of Africa. Just like Laurent Gbagbo, who had to be removed because he wanted Ivory Coast to have it´s own currency or a Pan-African Currency under African Control rather than that of the French National Bank, Muammar Ghadafi had to be removed, because he was the one obstacle that prevented the establishment of the Mediterranean Alliance, and because his ideas about a Pan-African Gold Dinar was seriously considered by many African leaders, who do not dare to speak of it over their breath. That is “why” Ghadafi had to be removed.

The Spiral towards a Global Conflict.

Ivory Coast and the removal of incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo from office; the criminal war against Libya and the ousting of the legitimate Libyan Government, the aggressive expansion of the US African Command, the ongoing subversion of Syria, the manufacturing of war in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Sudan, Ossetia; the manufacturing of insurgencies in Chechnya, Yemen, among other, and countless Color Revolutions and Arab Spring Coup d´etat have only been possible for two reasons. The fact that Russia was severely destabilized after the collapse of the USSR, and under the Presidency of Boris Yeltsin, who strip sold Russian Assets to Global Oligarchs, and which had to find it´s footing as a global power. The fact that the transformation of the Chinese economy was prioritized higher by China than the defense of the nations in Africa, that provide much of the resources that drive the Chinese economy.

Already at the International Security Conference in Munich, 2007, then President of The Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin used the strongest possible words of diplomatic parleur to warn the United States of America, saying that it´s aggressive expansionism has brought the world closer to a third world war than it has ever been before (43). After the absolutely criminal and shameless abuse of the United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1973 and the attempt by NATO countries to abuse the UN for a similar resolution on Syria, both China and Russia responded with a veto (44). The global danger how ever, is not the fact of the veto, but the fact that the world today, with a United Nations that has utterly been co-opted by NATO countries (45), has no forum for a peaceful resolution of what increasingly seems to develop into a global war. This is in deed an unprecedented crisis, that demands unprecedented leadership, courage, and integrity.

Dr. Christof Lehmann



  1. Cold War

  2. Pan-African Nationalism

  3. The Guardian, China sais the Booming Trade with Africa is Transforming the Continent.

  4. NATO`s War on Libya is Directed Against China

  5. Washington is conquering Africa, using France, Human Rights, Terrorism, and The National Endowment for Democracy.

  6. The National Counsel of Syria and U.S. Unconventional Warfare.

  7. TC 18-01 Special Forces and Unconventional Warfare.

  8. New Data on Murder of Lumumba.

  9. Frontline Vol 2. Issue 8. December 2008, How Africa Won Freedom.

  10. Al Qaeda: The Database

  11. German Intelligence and CIA supported Al Qaeda Terrorists in Yugoslavia.

  12. Abdelhakim Belhadj, The Mask behind the Many Men.

  13. Al Qa´ida´s Foreighn Fighters in Iraq. Combatting Terrorism center at West Point.

  14. CIA recruits 1.500 from Mazar-e-Sharif to fight in Libya.

  15. U.S. Sends CIA agents into Libya to analyze rebel forces.

  16. Abdelhakim Belhadj, The Mask Behind the Many Men.

  17. The National Counsel of Syria and US Unconventional Warfare.

  18. Cornered in Abidjan as Fears Grow.

  19. Libya; Just One Moment.

  20. Gore won election by 538.948 votes; Bush won the count by 300.

  21. Supreme Court of the United States; George W. Bush, et al., Petitioners v. Albert Gore, Jr., et al.

  22. DGSE

  23. West African Leaders On The Sqare Against Gbagbo.

  24. Ivory Coast´s Gbagbo held after French tRoops move in.

  25. Ivory Coast´s Gbagbo Captured at Presidential Compound.

  26. UN forces launch assault on Gbagbo stronghold in Abidjan.

  27. ICC Prosecutor requests judges for authorization to open an investigation in Cote d´Ivoire.

  28. History is a Weapon, Propaganda, E. Bernaise.

  29. Laurent Gbagbo wants Ivory Coast to leave CFA and create Ivoryan Currency.

  30. IMF, France and Devaluation of CFA.

  31. French Treasure controlls 8 African Nations Central Bank

  32. CFA Created To Keep African States Poor.

  33. CFA Devaluations, Poverty and Social Unrest.

  34. The Euro-mediterranean Network of Social Economy. .

  35. Libya rejects mediterranean Alliance.

  36. InfoPlease OAU.

  37. InfoPlease African Union.

  38. African Court of Justice.

  39. Financial Institutions of the A-U. .

  40. GIGA EU-African Economic Relations.

  41. The African Unions Mistake of Policy and Principle.

  42. UNSC Resolution 1973.

  43. ISC Munich 2007 – Punin, Full Text of Speech.

  44. Russia, A Force to be recogned with…..

  45. UN DONE..

About nsnbc

nsnbc is a news-media, edited by Dr. Christof Lehmann. Born in Germany in 1958, Masters and Doctoral Degree in Psychology, 1982 and 1986, Dr. Christof Lehmann is a practicing clinical psychologist, a life time peace activist, political advisor, and advisor in behavior, finance, economics, conflict resolution and peace building. He has been and is active as political advisor, in work on human rights, international relations and peace, Palestinian issues, and other activities. Dr. Christof Lehmann founded nsnbc in August 2011 in indignation about the prevalent embargo on truth. nsnbc is bringing you No Spin News by Christof Lehmann, as well as a number of other independent experts, writers, journalists and activists from throughout the world.