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Huge sums leaving Egypt?

Max Keiser

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I used to work with Greg Palast he can vouch for me.

I’ve been given this information with a view to getting it out on the internet so that people can use it as the basis for further research. The source of the information is based in Egypt and understandably they want to remain anonymous. Mainstream media outlets have been approached but cannot take up the story because the source insists on remaining anonymous and refuses an interview in which their voice/image is distorted or hidden. I’m approaching you because you are not constrained in the same way as the mainstream media.

My contact details are at the end of this email.

Information is as follows:

$10 billion of the Mubarak’s money has been transferred to Switzerland and France.

Walid Shash and Omar Tantawy are chief handlers of Mubaraks’ loot for transfer to Switzerland and France.

The transfers have been taking place for the last 7 years and have intensified during the last 3.

Farouk el Okda, governor of the Central Bank of Egypt, facilitated transfer of gold for Mubarak to foreign banks.

Alaa Mubarak close friend Hisham Hassan has been imposed on the boards of companies by regime.

Alaa Mubarak’s father in law has been imposed by the regime on companies and has ‘won’ many IT company bids.

Rashid Rashid has strong links with Alaa Mubarak’s friends.

Kind regards, Oliver Shykles

Jan. 31, 2011