Jill Stein has become a national disgrace... shady recount effort nothing but a moneymaking scam to entice depressed liberals with false hope
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Jill Stein has become a national disgrace... shady recount effort nothing but a moneymaking scam to entice depressed liberals with false hope
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) The 2016 election has certainly been revealing. After having discovered that the DNC is a disgrace and the mainstream media is a disgrace, we are now observing the childish behavior of those who lost the election in discovering that Jill Stein is a national disgrace, too.
Her "recount" effort -- dubbed a "recount to nowhere" -- is nothing more than a fraudulent moneymaking scam to fleece disgruntled liberal voters by selling them false hope. Even the way it was promoted by Stein -- first asking for $2.5 million in donations, then $4.5 million, and then finally $7 million -- exposes the "big lie" that her supposed costs for recount attorneys magically rose, without explanation, in perfect parallel to the donations that kept pouring in.
The effort also selectively targeted only those states where Donald Trump achieved narrow victories, completely ignoring the states where Hillary Clinton won similarly narrow victories. This pattern of cherry picking certain states to challenge utterly obliterates Jill Stein's claim that this is all an effort to "ensure the integrity of our elections." If that were true, she would be questioning the outcome in the pro-Clinton states as well.
Unless Jill Stein is shockingly ignorant of how elections work, she had to have been fully aware that the recount effort was a non-starter from day one. Not only did she miss the deadline for filing in Pennsylvania, surely she must have been aware that the task of acquiring 27,000 signed affidavits from Pennsylvania's 9,000 voting districts by the end of the day yesterday was nearly impossible to logistically achieve. Importantly, the near impossibility of this task was never explained on her multi-million-dollar donation page. Instead, disgruntled voters were encouraged to donate thousands of dollars under a false premise of a genuine recount that might, the page implied, overturn the entire election.
But that was all part of the Stein recount scam. It doesn't even appear that Stein made a genuine effort to meet the hurdles required by state laws to initiate a recount in all three states. As even TheHill.com explains:
In Pennsylvania, for example, Stein would either have to persuade a judge that there is compelling evidence of electoral fraud -- something she does not appear to be planning -- or else get affidavits from three residents of all of each state’s precincts or election districts, of which there are more than 9,000.
There was never any serious recount strategy... it was all the selling of another "false hope" charade to gullible leftists
If Jill Stein's disgraceful recount scam isn't a serious effort to challenge the outcome of the election, then why was it pursued at all?
The answer, of course, is found in the very same corruption that American voters rejected en masse at the ballot box: Jill Stein's effort is all about politics and money.
As The Hill explains:
“It’s a waste of time and money. It is not going to change anything,” said Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, who served as campaign manager for former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign.
“I think it probably was the Stein people looking for a way to stay relevant, raise some money and take the stink off of them. Instead of everybody screaming, ‘You made Trump happen,’ she is counting the votes to change that whole narrative.”
And then there's the matter of the nearly $6.4 million dollars that has so far been raised in the online fundraising drive. All the "extra" money not used in the false hope effort to overturn the election results in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin is being pledged to "election integrity efforts and to promote voting system reform," a laughably nondescript and non-binding assertion that effectively whitewashes almost any vectoring of the funds after the recount effort fails.
For all we know, only $0.4 million will be used to pay lawyers, while $6 million will go to Jill Stein's own pocket to fund a nationwide "education tour" consisting of Powerpoint slide presentations to half-empty rooms in downtrodden public libraries. There is literally no accountability whatsoever of where the remaining funds will go.
You've lost. Grow up. Learn to behave like an adult.
Above all, this scammy, shady effort by Stein underscores the psychological state of sheer delusion under which far too many liberals in America now operate. None of them seem to have any connection to reality, preferring to live inside their sad bubbles of totalitariatopian intolerance and false hope.
Scammers like Jill Stein exploit this psychological frailty of leftists, promising them a path toward the light if they only whip out their wallets and donate $2700 to the recount effort. It's nothing short of political hucksterism and the kind of non-profit sleight of hand that defined the Clinton Foundation, a RICO Act racketeering crime organization if we ever saw one.
Much like Hillary Clinton and Debbie Schultz, Jill Stein is casting immense shame upon the Democratic party and all those who support it. She is shamelessly funneling millions of dollars into her personal control while setting up her donors and supporters for yet another psychological avalanche of bad news trauma when all these people find out the recount was a joke... and Stein knew it from the start.
Shame on you, Jill Stein, for posing as a "recount puppet" for the disgraced Hillary Clinton. And shame on you for exploiting the gullibility of all the depressed, fractured souls in this nation who, for once, need to be told the truth and encouraged to "Cowboy up" to reality.
The era of the snowflake is over. It's time for political leaders on the left to stop pandering to the weakest minds in America and start figuring out how to help America move forward as a united country under President Donald J. Trump. End your shameful, delusional recount scam, refund the donations to the people who made them, and try harder to be someone the American people might voluntarily want to represent them in the next election.