This quote was pulled from social media, it is obviously true because we saw a huge part of this during the primaries:
"I worked in county gov for a few years and had to program those machines. There are SO many ways they can be manipulated to give fraudulent results.
First, the person loading the voting choice data on the SD card they use can actually set candidates with a negative vote total from the very start to deflate a candidate's vote count they don't want to win.
Second, the people setting up the machines can manipulate them by not calibrating the touch screens properly so that when you touch a spot on the screen, it actually activates the touch as two inches down or to the right or wherever you want it to be. This is easily done during the touch calibration where it asks you to simply touch points it displays to calibrate it in which case you would touch down or to the right of those points to commit fraud.
This election is going to be STOLEN!!!
My comment: The touch screen calibration would not be needed for anything other than setting up fraud. Do you need to calibrate your Ipad or tablet every time you switch it on? The calibration feature is obviously added as an election stealing option and is precisely how during the primaries, people noticed their vote for Trump had been switched to another candidate. People need to be notified of this ahead of time and told to shoot video of their entire voting process so this can be caught and published. ADDITIONALLY, WE NEED PEOPLE ASKING FOR TIME OFF RIGHT NOW SO THEY CAN CONDUCT EXIT POLLING THAT IS COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT OF THE MSM, ALL IMMORTALIZED IN HD VIDEO FROM GOOD VIDEO RECORDING DEVICES TO ALSO CATCH DOUBLE VOTERS MAKING THE ROUNDS TO MULTIPLE POLLING STATIONS, and additionally, to count the total number of people who went into the polling stations to prevent the dead from voting. If the votes cast are in excess of the total number of people who showed up, the dead voted, PERIOD. And if less votes get cast than what should be, you know one of the candidates started out with a negative number on that SD card.