I-522: Too Close to Call
Ronnie Cummins Organic Consumers Association
Dear Organic Consumer,
We’ve been waiting for this day since the signatures for the I-522 GMO Labeling ballot initiative were turned in in February.
But we’re going to have to wait a little longer.
Yes, initial results show the YES on I-522 campaign—your campaign—trailing.
But remember. Washington State is a vote-by-mail state. Hundreds of thousands of votes, mailed in at the last minute, have not yet been counted.
According to some reports, up to 60 percent of the vote is not reflected in election-night results.
It could be days, maybe a week or more, before we know the outcome of this vote. And even then, no matter which way the vote swings, it could be subject to a recount.
We’re anxious to know the final outcome. We promise to keep you updated along the way.
In the meantime, this movement grows stronger every day. This battle is far from over.
And no matter what the outcome, your support has motivated us, heartened us and, frankly, dazzled us.Thank you.
In solidarity,
Ronnie Cummins
National Director